David Rothkopf wrote Superclass in 2008. It is about the 30 or so families and their 6,000 minions who are the New World Order. Rothkopf used to be managing director of Kissinger associates and is currently the editor of the Council on Foreign Relations’ Foreign Policy magazine.
The Superclass is so powerful that they have eroded the power of presidents and prime ministers. National sovereignty is being taken over by international agreements and by Mega corporations. The Trans Pacific Partnership is a case in point. This treaty would take away sovereignty over consumer, environmental and labor laws from the people and give it to the 6,000 members of the Superclass.
I wrote previously of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology study which found that world trade was controlled by 147 corporations and that these companies owned each other’s stock and had interlocking Boards of Directors. The banking, insurance, mining and and oil companies are the base of the Superclass.
These men run Foundations which have published studies over the past few decades. These Foundations hire professors who do Green Research and arrive at the conclusions the Uber Rich want. The people who think they own the government have concluded that they would be better off if a few billion of the common people died. The future of you and your family depends on your ability to get your names written down in that Superclass list of survivors.
There are supposedly 7.2 billion people in the world but China under reports their population by several hundred million. Remember Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, ‘When you are many, pretend to be few.’ The Superclass talks of allowing a billion survivors but that might be a few hundred million more than they are planning to let live. The Superclass might not want too many people further down in the ranks of the military and police know just how few of them will be living after the Uber Rich drop the hammer on the poor and the middle class.
The Georgia Guidestones seriously says they only need 500 hundred million people left alive. I would therefore conclude they are actively considering exterminating 7 billion people. It would be nice to know if they think you are compatible with the plans they have made for the world in which you are currently living. I think they have decided to not even allow half a billion of us commoners survive. Look at their battle plans.
Step One would be to collapse the world economy. That will happen in months. Step Two will be Worldwide Food Riots. This will evolve into Racial Civil wars in America. Class, religious, ethnic and racial wars elsewhere. Rebellions everywhere. Then Step Three comes along and they release a series of plagues on the surface of the earth. The Superclass goes into those underground bunkers they built for themselves and their most trusted servants. Over 8.35 trillion dollars has gone missing from the Pentagon. Trillions have been stolen elsewhere from the taxpayers. That wealth went somewhere. Part of it went to build those underground cities. But I doubt they have sufficient space and supplies for half a billion people. The probability that you are on that Superclass List of Those Deemed Worthy To Survive List is near zero.
I want to give you a series of questions which you can use to determine if your thinking is compatible with the Superclass.
They have taken Iodine out of the American food supply and added Fluoride and Bromide. This was designed to lower IQs and to increase cancer. If it were in your power, would you push a button and lower the IQ of a generation of children so in 20 years you could rob them blind?
They have used Bisphenol A to line cans. It is an estrogen mimicker and causes cancer. They have added cancer causing viruses to vaccines. They have introduced Genetically Modified Organisms to the food supply despite knowing it will terminate the population in three generations. Would you be willing to do the above and more to guarantee that the poor and middle class are too sick to resist.
They have released the Stuxnet virus to infect Siemens controllers knowing it would lead to a nuclear meltdown. They are creating a Stuxnet II virus knowing that combined with the poisons in the food and water that the radiation from Fukushima and the meltdowns from the second and then third Fukushima like events to follow that the poor and the middle class will die in the streets when they release the plague. Do you approve of creating the Stuxnet and Stuxnet II viruses just to get an entire generation of people sick?
Lastly, would you be willing to release a series of plagues to kill 7 billion people?
If you have said a definite No to any of the above questions, you are not on that Superclass list of survivors.
The logical conclusion is to divorce yourself from the Superclass and to denounce their plans.
Why would would continue to serve a people who despise you and your family so much that they want you to die?
6,000 people controlling the world. I guess that leaves 499,994,000 peasants to work for them if they miraculously accomplish their Agenda 21/Georgia guidelines, right?
But if you look at it with the population that we have now….
Hmm…Gee…, only 6,000 people against 799,999,994,000 people in the world.
Yea…so why are the people around the world letting this ridiculous bullshit to continue?
It’s not even a fight. It’s a joke. It’s like billions of people stomping on a cockroach.
Why are we even talking about it? Just do it! Stomp the little bugs out of existence. It’s that simple, dammit! Put one foot down or even half a foot and stomp the shit out of them!
We can start by refusing to fuel their flying palaces and their mile long limos. Why do these scum bags need these ridiculous, overrated toys? Tax the bejesus out of these overrated toys, including their damned floating mansions.
Put a goddamned limit on this crap. Tax the hell out of them. Triple the luxury tax.
Another thing, why the 6,000? What happened to their infamous 6,000,000 number? Shouldn’t it be 6,000,000 to cover their losses from WWII or is that still too much for them?
Let ’em go into their underground bunkers and live out their “World Without End” scenario…in this 1960-ish movie (yeah yeah yeah more predictive programming…), the elite unleash a nuclear war in 2188, and 400 years later they are virtually extinct because they are so weak from being underground, and they can’t go above ground because mutated survivors will eat them alive…in other words, go for it, you hubris-ridden, criminal psychopathic elites! Now that’s a kill-off-die-off scenario that might actually work!