State Dept Official: Israel & Saudi Arabia created ISIS with CIA – Dr Steve Pieczenik

Published on Apr 1, 2017 by ReasonReport

Dr Steve Pieczenik – “Saudi Arabia, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Israel, were all part of this amalgam that created the nonsensical group called AlQaeda and ISIS. We are in fact fighting our own creation, and we are spending too much money and too much time”

“Today we are supporting the very countries that in fact have created ISIS. Saudi Arabia, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Israel, were all part of this amalgam that created the nonsensical group called AlQaeda and ISIS. We are in fact fighting our own creation, and we are spending too much money and too much time”

One thought on “State Dept Official: Israel & Saudi Arabia created ISIS with CIA – Dr Steve Pieczenik

  1. “We are in fact fighting our own creation, and we are spending too much money and too much time”

    You just now figured that out?

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