State Media Turns Reality on its Head

paris-sky.jpgHenry Makow – by Andrew

Last summer,  friends’ Facebook photos of European cities showed Chemtrails. When I commented, one friend replied that he didn’t appreciate my observation. The focus of his pictures was the Eiffel Tower’s architectural beauty, not the background skies.

He did not believe in “conspiracy theories” and considered my anti-esthetic comments distracting from the beauty of Paris. When I followed up with an email demonstrating that our government has a long history of spraying toxic chemicals on unsuspecting Americans, he simply un-friended me on Facebook.

In that connection, this You Tube is very convincing. US Govt. Sprayed Toxic Chemicals on unsuspecting Americans. How can people close their eyes to chemtrails and not believe in “conspiracy theories?”

THE ANSWER: Mass media propaganda has actually turned reality UPSIDE DOWN which oddly is the Illuminati definition of REVOLUTION.

And to reject “conspiracy theories” is to misunderstand the intellectual significance of circumstantial evidence.

Compare the wisdom of the ages with mass media indoctrination in America today.

Since the days of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, tyrants and oligarchs lied to the common people. In The Republic, Plato extols the virtues of the Guardian Class’ “Noble Lies.” Aristotle goes further quoting the oligarchic oath in Politics, 1310a:  “I promise to be an enemy of the people, and to try my best to give them bad advice.”

To dismiss “conspiracy theories” enslaves you to mass media and government ‘disinfo.


Another example of an event everyone saw, but were forbidden to believe was the April 19th 1995 bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Murrah Building. Take a moment to relive You Tube of Oklahoma City Bombing News Reports: Unexploded bombs found inside the Murrah building!

Think about these UNEXPLODED BOMBS found INSIDE the Oklahoma City Murrah Building which Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols COULD NOT HAVE PLANTED.

murrah.jpgFirst, they were reporting a bomb going off INSIDE the building,,, then Authorities confirmed the finding of a second bomb INSIDE the building on the east side,,,,, then a third bomb also unexploded was found and rescuers, media etc are all moved back,,,,,,,,,, St. Anthony’s Hospital in a press conference reports that Medical teams were unable to enter building while bomb experts defuse unexploded bombs.

Justice Dept. confirms second bomb,,,, now a third bomb is found in the building,,,,, Gov Frank Keating in telephone interview confirms that 2nd, and 3rd. bombs are much larger than the first one.

Clinton sends three FBI anti-terrorist squads to the site, because “it is the work of a sophisticated group of terrorists and the bombs are very sophisticated”

An hour later as reported on OKC Channel 5, a fourth bomb is discovered on the west side of the building,,, meanwhile rescue efforts cannot begin until the whole building is searched.

Still later, the ATF reports that 4 bombs were placed but only one exploded.

THEN THE WHOLE OKC BOMBING NARRATIVE CHANGES. It is reported and confirmed that the bomb was actually a car bomb that exploded outside and they estimate it was 1200 lbs. of explosive used,,,, this later becomes a Ryder truck with 4800 lbs fertilizer.

So we went from a very sophisticated bomb inside the building to four sophisticated bombs inside then to a bomb in a car to a Ryder truck outside with 4800 lbs. of unsophisticated fertilizer and kerosene.

What is wrong with all this? Seems the media spun the story for the benefit of someone, while the rescue people were held back.


There were a number of Anti-Terrorism Bills which severely curtail our civil rights were stalled in US Congress at the time. After the bombing, they were easily passed.

The Bills gave much greater powers to the ATF and the FBI. Connect the dots to later Homeland Security Act of 2002 and 2011 suspension of Habeas Corpus. (Last time Habeas Corpus suspended American Civil War 1861-1865)

So the bombing of the Oklahoma City Murrah Building is another example like Chemtrails that we can all see but are not permitted to appreciate what it really represents.

goebbels1.jpg(l. Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda)

LET ME CONFESS: I didn’t comprehend the above until a 2002 9/11 Truth meeting SEVEN YEARS LATER.

The trauma of OKC Bombing superseded my critical faculties too; I now maintain critical and even cynical attitude toward mass media (mostly fake) news.

19th century, Edgar Allan Poe — ‘Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.’

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One thought on “State Media Turns Reality on its Head

  1. “When I followed up with an email demonstrating that our government has a long history of spraying toxic chemicals on unsuspecting Americans, he simply un-friended me on Facebook.”

    He’s a brain-dead moron, and you’re an idiot for posting on the CIA’s data mining treasure trove, Fakebook.

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