Syria: Cameron and Obama agree to military strike over chemical weapons

Wounded: Injured Assad soldier is carried awayLook at the leg, Boston all over again.


David Cameron and Barack Obama last night agreed to take military action against Syria, the Sunday People has reported.

The US president sealed the deal in a 40-minute phone call to the Prime Minister at his holiday retreat in Cornwall. 

The two leaders agreed that Syrian tyrant Bashar al-Assad was responsible for using chemical weapons against children.

Mr Obama and Mr Cameron will discuss the military options in the next few days.

They include missile strikes, ­disabling the Syrian air force or ­enforcing a no-fly zone across the country. A No.10 source said: “The significant use of chemical weapons would merit a serious response.

“The PM and the President are now looking at all the options.”

But they ruled out sending in British and American ground troops.

The source said both leaders ­believe President Assad is deliberately trying to cover up the atrocity in the eastern suburbs of the capital Damascus on Wednesday that left up to 1,000 dead.

Assad forces were yesterday ­shelling the area of the nerve-gas attack to destroy evidence.

The source added: “It seems ­increasingly unlikely the United Nations investigators will be allowed to go there.” That was despite requests from UN disarmament chief Angela Kane who was in Damascus yesterday to press for access.

A US battlegroup of three ­warships in the eastern Mediterranean has been strengthened by a fourth ready to strike Syria with cruise missiles.


Materials the Syrian government claim rebels used to make chemical weapons
Materials the Syrian government claim rebels used to make chemical weapons
Materials the Syrian government claim rebels used to make chemical weapons
Materials the Syrian government claim rebels used to make chemical weapons


And the US has stationed F-16 fighter jets and Patriot missiles in Jordan in preparation for attacks.

President Obama met his national security team yesterday to discuss plans.

“That requires positioning our forces to carry out whatever options the president might choose,” said US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel. Even Iran yesterday conceded Syrians had been killed in chemical attacks but did not say who it thought was responsible.

Meanwhile the Assad regime tried to pin the blame for Wednesday’s attack on opposition groups.

Syrian state TV claimed that ­soldiers patrolling in the Damascus suburb of Jobar had found chemical weapon agents in rebel tunnels.

Russia said the nerve-gas outrage may be the work of rebels trying to provoke international action.

But Foreign Secretary William Hague dismissed the claims.

France joined the UK yesterday in blaming Assad for the attack.

Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said: “All the information indicates there was a chemical massacre near Damascus and Bashar al-Assad is responsible”.

TV footage showing civilians – many of them children – dead or suffering the horrific symptoms of gas poisoning shocked the world.

Aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres said hospitals it supports treated 3,600 patients with “neurotoxic symptoms” and 355 died.

Hospital staff described patients arriving with nerve gas-style symptoms including convulsions, extreme salivation, contracted pupils and sight and respiratory problems.

British defence chiefs will meet foreign counterparts in Jordan ­tomorrow to discuss options.

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9 thoughts on “Syria: Cameron and Obama agree to military strike over chemical weapons

  1. “The two leaders agreed that Syrian tyrant Bashar al-Assad was responsible for using chemical weapons against children.”


    Unfortunately, it’s inevitable bullsh#t. Been expecting it for months.

    They’re running out of summer.

    1. Obama and Cameron, what a pair of douchebags. Two who have reached the pinnacle of douchebagism and will, no doubt, go down in history as the 2 douchebags that walked humanity off the edge of the cliff.

  2. Israhell must be getting impatient with their “sock puppet” to do as he’s been programmed to do. Syria has just taken too long to overcome, and the road map to Iran needs to be completed. And the “sock puppet” has said anytime he needs to, he’ll just do an end run around Congress. Congress, Congress, who needs a stinkin’ Congress??!! This from our great Nobel Peace prize winner. The only piece he wants is for the Middle East to be divided in pieces for the sake of his Israeli masters. Just like his predecessors and those PNAC documents.

  3. I take it these two cartoon characters are going to bear weapons and lead the assault? No? Then they should shut up about it.

  4. cokecane, marijuana, gasoline, and old grenade launching equipment that no longer works. This photo was probably taken in a USA bunker.

    1. If so, how could that possibly benefit Assad?

      It’s Israhell and the so-called ‘government’ of this country that benefit from deception.

      You’re not one of those fools who believes all the lies being disseminated about Assad, are you?

      1. That wasn’t one of those same “leg blown off” people that stage events, spill fake blood, and make it look like 2 brothers were a “Terrorist Organization”.

        1. To virtually accuse Assad of using fake photos, (as if he actually needed to) when we all know damn well who the TRUE aggressors and terrorists in this conflict are (Mossad/CIA and co.), is not something I can leave unanswered, Millard.

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