8 thoughts on “Tears For Fears – “Everybody Wants To Rule The World”

  1. One of my all-time favorite songs and goes with the times we are living in.

    Every time I hear it, I think of the movie, “Real Genius” where the military industrial complex is trying to use smart teenagers to build a space-based laser weapon and tracking system that could vaporize a target on Earth.

    Many great lines in that movie and it is still my favorite Val Kilmer film.

  2. I have asked Henry and the ADMIN…for advice….seems this site, the Trenches is being discriminated against….and if that’s..true..(via having to click youtube) I hope 100 visitors get on here and leave a comment……….In support of fromthetrenchesworldreport….as I do not think this site is doing the blocking of listening..
    It’s just so hard in our US to have a pleasant get together even as simple as this web site…without some jack….o….taking away the freedoms to do so…….
    What a dissolving country we have here…
    Robert Beason Billings Montana In country Nam combat veteran…1969…US Army draftee…
    Christ I am more pissed………..US56639487
    NSA FBI and all the rest have got my files since 1968 when I wrote my draft board and told them to stick it…and went to Canada to attend McGill university…but later returned to the US and be drafted….and am still fighting this garbage….Damn

  3. yep gay as gay is cannot even believe i listened to a second of this stuff to be honest about it Yuc eeuu makes me wanna puke to be honest about it

  4. digger….
    Im not a defender of gays…let alone being one…
    you are into the hard alcohol.. today.is my thought…
    If am wrong then no big deal… I.relistened to this and have no idea what sexuality has to do with it…..for me. the title is it…Not unusual in music…
    some pieces have little to say but the title…with pop music, especially, regarding lyrical pieces…pure instumentals is a different situation. with pop music….

    1. 😕 I was wondering that same thing, rbeason.

      Digs, I think you’ve been drinking too much, dude. 😆 There’s nothing gay about this song. The lyrics say it all about the times we are in.

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