The Enormity of Adding 138 Million People to America

Californians for Population Stabilization – by Frosty Wooldridge

In 1964, demographers counted 194 million people residing in the United States of America. No one had heard of acid rain, carbon footprint, gridlocked traffic or climate change.

But something happened. Our U.S. Congress passed the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that changed the annual inflow of immigrants from 175,000 each year to 1 million annually. Result: by October 2007, America had added 106 million people to reach a total population of 300 million. Within just 42 years, 106,000,000 people inserted themselves into America.  

Today, in 2014, we face horrific gridlock, air pollution, climate change, water shortages, energy depletion, species extinction, congested cities, lowered quality of life and resource exhaustion.

Unfortunately, we continue on course to add 100 million immigrants, their children and chain-migrated relatives within the next 36 years. To add calamity to the equation, Americans, via “population momentum,” even with 2.03 female fertility rates, can expect to add 38 million more citizens. We continue on course to add 138 million people within 36 years for a population of 438 million.

If the current S.744 amnesty bill passes in the House of Representatives, it jumps legal annual immigration from 1 to 2 million annually. That single act doubles the rate of speed for adding 138 million, and very well could drive those numbers much higher with birth rates, visas and chain-migration. More than 150 million could be reached within 36 years. (Sources: Pew Research Center, “U.S. Population Projections,” by Fogel/Martin, U.S. Census Bureau)

What constitutes 138 million more people residing within America? What challenges do we face as a viable civilization?

A population of 138 million people equates to doubling the size of our top 35 most populated cities. For example: New York City at 8.3 million expects to grow to 16.6 million people. Chicago expects to jump from 2.5 million to 5.1 million. Los Angeles at 4.9 million expects to reach 8 million.

Ironically, seven states suffer water shortages; among them are Florida, which is estimated to grow from 19 million to well over 38 million people. California has had ongoing water issues, and growing from 38 million in 2014 to 58 million by 2050 will only add more pressure.

So, with more people we must provide more water, housing, energy, transportation, food, education and medical care – while maintaining a livable environment and standard of living. But, how do we plan to water, feed, house and sustain another 138 million people? How will we sustain the projected doubling of U.S. population to 625 million before the end of this century?

One of our great environmental leaders, Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates, said, “Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 80 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all – ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.”

We must face our predicament with intelligence. We must change course. We must create a “consciousness shift” to educate all Americans as to their peril, which leads to a “critical mass shift” of educated citizens who take action to dramatically reduce all immigration to 100,000 annually, which finally leads to a “tipping point” where we move toward a stable and sustainable civilization today and into the future.

You can co-partner with CAPS with your time, money and experiences. Our children deserve our actions and results if they expect to live in a functioning country. Let’s get moving!

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