The New Bling

screen-shot-2015-04-30-at-23-09-21Years ago it was trendy to have “grills” …you know metallic work on one’s teeth, usually done in gold. Before that, it was swank to wear massive amounts of jewelry, mostly necklaces and rings. Most recently it’s become hip to wear one’s pants around one’s ankles, for some weird reason. It must be real hard for them to run from lootings ……..

But now, all that’s passé for the latest trend is taking the riot world by storm …..  

It’s toilet paper ……that’s right, you read correctly ….toilet paper. This item is making a statement that all will notice, no matter who you are. It speaks of liberation, freedom, and equality for the possessor. Shelves are being depleted as fast as the riots begin.

So when you see those who’re running wildly through the streets with their good fortune, as is seen in the accompanying picture, applaud them for their acquisition.

And maybe, just maybe, they’ll actually use it.

One thought on “The New Bling

  1. Its in demand because of “White Privilege”.
    First thing that went in Venezuela was the toilet paper.

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