The Word From the Trenches – April 23, 2020

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3 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – April 23, 2020

  1. On those 3 minutes and 30 seconds @47:00-50:30 —–> Whoa, that was some Tactical Report, JD. You had me imagining myself out on the highway dismantling street-signs and guard-rails. You took all this up a notch. This is brass tacks. I gotta get me a good map, not to mention a chain-saw. Look out trees!!

    Hey, not wanting the humor to cover the reality of what you recommend, but you really did surprise me. I know you did preface it with, “Once this sh*t starts…” So each will choose his or her moment.

    Well, I just looked up the word “tactical” for my own understanding:

    tactical, adjective:
    > of, relating to, or constituting actions carefully planned to gain a specific end
    > of a person or their actions – showing adroit planning; aiming at an end beyond the immediate action 

    adroit, adjective:
    > clever or skillful in using the hands or mind

    Thanks, JD.


    1. Thanks, JD. I like kittens and park benches, and baking bread. But all these yrs in The Trench have showed me other parts of myself previously untapped. Guess we are all tasked with toughening up, with becoming ruthless in destroying tyranny. Will do the best I can, but I can’t wait to get back to life without constant evil intrusions. Hope I can see it in my lifetime. Till then…


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