The world’s largest airline parking lot

Daily Mail

Stunning footage has revealed how more than 400 jetliners grounded by the coronavirus pandemic have been parked in the California desert. 

Pilot Bryan Keith was given access to fly his Grumman Tiger over the Southern California Logistics Airport in Victorville where the dry climate minimizes the risk of rust.

Planes owned by Southwest, Delta, FedEx and other major commercial and cargo carriers sit idle under the desert sun after having their wings clipped by worldwide lockdowns.

The Victorville facility in California is a decommissioned Air Force base. Last year, Southwest Airlines began storing its fleet of Boeing 737 Max jets there after the airplane was grounded following two fatal crashes.

But now with demand for flights plummeting amid the coronavirus pandemic, and with thousands of aircraft grounded, airlines began to hit an unprecedented problem: finding a place to park them.

The site has the capacity to store up to 500 planes, according to the company that manages it, and is thought to be nearing that.

See the pics and read the rest here:

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