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Archive: TWFTT 2-7-20

-8 this morning up to 5 now…supposed to get to 7 🙂 sunny
i sure hope that belongs to one of the grand kids 🙂
That’s my goddamn cookie monster. Traded it for a monkey.
Henry: ‘this core is made out of titanium’ BAM !!!
I love being home schooled 🙂 Thank you and have a good weekend Henry and Laura and fellow trenchers
You are welcome. 🙂
Same here and thank you Henry.
You are welcome. 🙂
Thanks for the M. Hoffman video. Two great guys, Ernst and Michael.
yw and yes they are
love it !
The wall street broker is a high paid slave. Trump is a fkg slave.
This broadcast was SO VERY IMPORTANT. Thank you Henry for tearing apart the lies of divisive politics which would pit Americans against each other instead of facing our common enemy. You laid bare the lie and showed what strength can come from not believing it, but from all uniting under The Bill of Rights no matter what the pigment of their skin. It was like an invitation to all people of integrity who want to live free and see their neighbors live free. I hope this can go out far and wide. Divide and Conquer is being exposed for the tool it is. Like you, I am honored to stand with ANYONE who is actively fighting to protect our rights. If your word gets out, our numbers will swell even more. Brothers and Sisters in arms are we.