The Word From the Trenches – September 23, 2020

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Archive: TWFTT 9-23-20

2 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – September 23, 2020

  1. Henry, what you said @1:08:20 – 1:08:50 regarding “jurisdictions” being declared – It went through me like a sword of ice. The word “captured!!” I never before looked at jurisdictions that way, but that certainly is what it is. A capture of parts of our nation. This is something so important, so urgent, but so few get to hear it. So not only are we dealing with foreign invaders and demonized leadership, but now we have invasion within, and seemingly sanctioned!! Those 30 seconds you spoke this painted the picture of the escalating dire straights we are in. Bless you, and I will pass the word (sound the alarm) as best I can. CAPTURED!!!


  2. All hell is breaking out in Louisville, KY, a commie cop was just plugged in retaliation from the illegal grand jury indictment. Brianna Taylor isn’t finished quite yet it seems. Prepare yourselves for a friggen war…

    Posting now.

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