Tom Hanks wants a 3rd term for President Lucifer

Tom HanksDC Clothesline – by Dr. Eowyn

In 2010, demonstrating he really is “stupid as stupid does,” Tom Hanks told Time magazine during a presser promoting his new HBO miniseries, The Pacific, thatthe United States got into the Pacific sphere of  World War II because Americans were a bunch of “racists and terrorists” who viewed the Japanese as “yellow, slant-eyed dogs that believed in different gods.” Hanks obviously forgot about Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor.  

Tom Hanks voted twice for the POS — in 2008 and 2012.

But Hanks isn’t content with two terms of President Lucifer destroying this country.

Cheryl K. Chumley reports for the Washington Times that when Hanks was inWashington, DC last week for a premiere showing of his new error-filled movie,Captain Phillips, he declared that his choice for president for 2016 is Obama.

“I’m voting for Barack Obama, 2016,” he said. “Yes I am. Four more years.”

Nor is Hanks joking. A Bing search on “Obama seeks third term” yielded more than 2 million hits, which means the revolting and anti-Constitutional notion is both widely discussed and widely reported.  MSN, for instance, in August reported on investor Porter Stansberry claiming Obama is secretly planning a third term. (Watch out for Stansberry: he’s been convicted for swindling  customers with false investment information.)

The 22nd Amendment limits the number of times a president can hold the high office to two terms. That amendment came as a response to the election to a fourth term of another socialist, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who died in the first year of his 4th term after being president for 12 years.


Dr. Eowyn is the Editor of Fellowship of the Minds.

10 thoughts on “Tom Hanks wants a 3rd term for President Lucifer

  1. Important thing to state here. Hanks may be shilling for the statists right now but also he is right about americas racism and we KNOW now that Pearl Harbor was a lure and that fdr was economically strangling our former ww1 ALLIES you guys here should know your true history by now

    1. Steve,
      Don’t confuse politics with racism. FDR was just the tip of the proverbial iceburg. There is much more to this story about America’s move to enter WW II, much of which will never be made public.
      I beg to ask, what true history do you actually know? That which was spewed at the alters of a public school?

      1. I only have so much room to get a point across and so much time to devote to writing it and holding the readers attention as an anonymous poster. Nothing I stated above is based on propaganda-cation from my child hood. We would never establish progress of thought if someone did not play devil’s advocate and say what has been devoid of the initial claim. Long story short “dont be hatin’ cause im not discertatin’

  2. …………………./´¯/)
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´
    …………..\………….\… Back at ya, Forrest Chump.

    1. Ya beat me to it, Joe. First thing I thought of when I found this one. But my brother is down, so this is the first chance I’ve had to get back.

      Anyway, likewise, Hanks……..

      ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
      ……….”…………. _.·´

  3. Tom Hanks is about as an elitist as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. All are for the NWO and are a traitors to our country.

    It’s not like this wasn’t in the cards. We all knew that Barry, the two-faced Communist bastard in office, would never give up power. He’s a dictator. Of course he would amend or use Executive orders to keep himself in office for a third term. He thinks he’s god. He’s already destroyed our Constitution and first 10 articles of the Bill of Rights. It’s not like he won’t piss over the rest of it.

    Tom Hanks has always been an over-rated actor from day one. I never liked him. Anyone can play his parts and he is completely in with the Zionists. He never would have gotten where he is without the Zionists pushing him. Horrible actor. All his parts are just boring as hell. The guy puts me to sleep in every movie he plays in. Why? Because HE CAN’T ACT!!!

    And thanks to his comments about Obama and Pearl Harbor, he doesn’t even know U.S. History or the Constitution as well. James Woods has more intelligence than this guy. The reason why everyone thought he was so good in Forrest Gump was because he was PLAYING HIMSELF! He’s STUPID!

    Why do you think he is hardly on any interviews? He doesn’t have a brain cell in his head without a script in front of him, just like Obama. Same with Zionist actor, Robert DeNiro. No one interviews these so-called great actors because they have no personality and lack any social or analytical skills. Basically, THEY DON’T HAVE ONE GOOD FUNCTIONING BRAIN CELL IN THEIR HEADS!!

    Go eat a box of chocolates, Tommy boy. You’re done!

  4. Cheers, Tommy Boy! You’re number one in my book.

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…………. _.·´

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