Trencher Alert

From the Trenches has been hacked.  The hack occurred at the server between 9 and 10 this morning, just right after we had left for our Sunday target practicing session.

The only password hacked was my personal password into the backside of the site, and the fact is there is no information on any user in the files at From the Trenches World Report, as you all should well know. 

This is a Sunday, there is one flunky who does not know what he is doing at our server.  Tomorrow I will be talking with their management, demanding that the hack be traced to its source.  Be it an unlawful agency or just some prick, that person will be dealing with me personally.

This is destruction of private property without due process of the law and I will enforce that law, personally.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but you are not in the fight unless there is lead flying your way. This is by no means the only fight we have been engaged in for the past few months off site, but this is the first time we have ever been hacked at the server.

Just got to wonder why an insignificant site like From the Trenches would be getting hacked.  The access code is known only to Laura and I, so it took some sophistication and just a little bit of work, but the powers that be are going to tell me who did this or I will put on an open forum on From the Trenches a challenge to whatever computer wizard who can give me the proof positive as to who committed this crime against us, and I will go to that son of a bitch and I will arrest him or her, on camera, no matter what the outcome might be. The cowardly act of a cowardly person or cowardly persons.

As it is Sunday, it will not be until tomorrow until the server can begin the investigation.

Again, apologies for the inconvenience.

The Bill of Rights is the Republic, a hard death to the international corporate mafia, we are going to prevail and they f-king know it, as they demonstrate their weakness through this petty bullshit.

13 thoughts on “Trencher Alert

  1. GITSUM!

    I was pretty sure you’d been hacked when I saw that goofy page. And it’d changed the little icon in my toolbar – which hasn’t changed back. Like a girl with a lunchbox or something??

  2. Prayed for you and Laura, Henry, that it was not that big a deal.

    But apparently it is not hard to hack a WordPress-powered site. So I changed the passwords on my books site and my blog anyway.

    Oh, and, FTTWR is NOT insignificant! Or were you being sarcastic? Blessings!

    1. It was sarcasm, but the point is the ONLY reason to hack From the Trenches is to cause us problems because they do not like our content as the truth hurts them, and it will be and has been a lot of extra work to change all the passwords and put the theme back like it is supposed to be.
      Thank you for thinking about us.

  3. “Tomorrow I will be talking with their management, demanding that the hack be traced to its source. Be it an unlawful agency or just some prick, that person will be dealing with me personally.”

    This guy had better have his game on, hes going to need it! LMAO…

  4. Henry, The site on windows was hacked, but worked just fine on the old mac powerbook. They hate that computer, they follow me to every site I visit and try to stop me.

  5. So they are trying to get names of people. Wow they really don’t like the truth you’re speaking henry.

  6. “The only password hacked was my personal password into the backside of the site, and the fact is there is no information on any user in the files at From the Trenches World Report, as you all should well know.”

    That is exactly why I knew some basement dwelling geek hacked the site. They obviously had no clue what the hell they were talking about. I hope the person has a clean pair of underwear because he/she messed with the wrong site.

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