Trencher Sponsored December Drawing

Last day!  Send us an email if you have snail mailed your entry so we can put your name in the hat.  The mail is running slow due to Christmas.

From the Trenches World Report is having a December Drawing sponsored by Mary and Jim.

I have provided a set of Midland GXT 50 channel 2-Way Radios in camouflage.    

Midland Radios

Mary has provided a Pilot Dash cam,

Pilot Dash Cam

A Stanley 11 in 1 Hammer and Multi-Tool,

Stanley Hammer Multi-Tool

And a Stanley 10 in 1 Axe and Multi-Tool.

Stanley Axe Multi-Tool

Jim has provided 2 one ounce Canadian Mint Silver Coins.  (Bullets for size comparison and not included. 🙂 )


The draws will be in the order the contributions came in and that is as they are listed above.  All those who have contributed since the last drawing are automatically included in the drawing, one entry per one dollar donation.

The drawing will be held Friday, December 18, 2015, in the final segment of The Word From the Trenches.  We will mail the prizes out that afternoon in the hope that they will arrive before Christmas, though we cannot guarantee for obvious reasons.

All donations are needed and appreciated.  Good luck to all those who step up and our gratitude to Mary, and Jim for providing the prizes.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

10 thoughts on “Trencher Sponsored December Drawing

        1. Regardless of what went down, a gift is a gift. Henry and Laura donated their flag to the other site, didn’t see them expecting anything after the fall out. I personally find it childlike.

        2. Oh. Thanks #1. I didn’t realize that he was a Chump fan. I just heard that second time he got upset with Kevin and made the assumption that was the problem. I only read this article far enough to see where Chump was merely postponing his visit to Is-Real-Hell and that was all I needed to see. I didn’t bother reading any of the comments.

          Thanks for clearing that up for me. I’m sorry that Mark felt the need to leave over this.

          1. It was for the comments that I posted the article. That’s where the falling out occurred.

            I like Mark & Wade, but when you’re wrong, you’re wrong.

            No one who has spent any decent amount of time on FTT should be chasing that damn wiper at this point.

  1. I miss Mark’s input and wanted to say we must not be divided on the issues we have. Surely we can agree to disagree. Mark if you are still reading the site, please know if you want to chat, Henry has my #…… I would love to hear from you. Merry Christmas and God Bless this republic.

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