Trump says legal papers on bump stocks almost done


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday his administration was almost finished with the legal paperwork designed to block the use of bump stocks, devices that turn firearms into machine guns.

The Republican president said last month he had signed a memorandum directing the attorney general to draw up regulations banning the devices.  

“Bump stocks – we’re almost finished with the legal papers,” Trump told reporters at the White House before a Cabinet meeting. He says the process is complicated but, “Bump stocks are going to be gone.”

2 thoughts on “Trump says legal papers on bump stocks almost done

  1. Well, you had better outlaw rubber bands as well then you goddamned traitor. BTW, when the hell are you going to be forced out of office? Your nothing more than a thumb twittler sitting at your desk thinking about your next porn star encounter. You can’t even lead a decent golf shot, let alone American freedoms and liberties.

    When the hell is a real man going to step up to the plate?

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