Trump: ‘We should take a drug test prior to the debate’

Yahoo News

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. — Donald Trump suggested that Hillary Clinton might have been on drugs during the second presidential debate and proposed that the candidates take a drug test ahead of their next and final face-off set for Wednesday in Las Vegas.

Speaking at the first of two scheduled Saturday rallies in the Northeast, Trump was reading from prepared remarks attacking Clinton for revelations from leaked emails when the Republican presidential nominee, as he is prone to do, went off script.  

“We are like athletes, [and] athletes, they make them take a drug test. I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate. Why don’t we do that? We should take a drug test,” Trump said, apparently randomly. His speech was billed as one that would be focused on opioid abuse in New Hampshire.

“I don’t know what’s going on with her, but at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning, and at the end, it was like, ‘Huh, take me down.’ She could barely reach her car,” Trump continued. “So I think we should take a drug test. Anyway, I’m willing to do it!”

Trump’s comments came as he has stepped up attacks on Clinton, including questioning her health and readiness for the White House. Last week, his campaign unveiled a campaign ad featuring footage of Clinton stumbling on her way out of a Sept. 11 memorial event. Her campaign later said she was sick with pneumonia.

At the time, Trump initially wished his Democratic opponent well, but days later, he began mocking her “stamina,” questioning if she could stand up at political rallies. Earlier at the event on Saturday, he mentioned her light public schedule in recent days. Clinton’s staff has said she is off the trail doing debate prep ahead of her final face-to-face showdown with Trump.

But the GOP nominee, who has rebuffed his own staff’s efforts to do debate prep, mocked that excuse — suggesting repeatedly that she’s “resting.” Trump sarcastically suggested Clinton is supposed to “know stuff” already.

“What are you going to learn in five days?” Trump questioned.

5 thoughts on “Trump: ‘We should take a drug test prior to the debate’

  1. Say what you want about Trump, this man is calling out everyone who has screwed us over. Controlled opposition? I don’t know but he makes me laugh.

    1. Trump’s only saying what the American people have already figured out, and there’s no way that the bankers can control this angry population without a candidate like Trump. (Hitler did the same thing after being installed by the same banker families, when Germany’s population was just as angry, and it’s economy just as screwed up).

      Step back from the freak-show, and see history repeating itself right before your eyes.

  2. “We are like athletes, [and] athletes, they make them take a drug test.”


    You’re NOTHING like athletes, @ssclown! They at least earn a LEGITIMATE living (albeit HIGHLY overpaid).

    “I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate.”

    I think all the drugs you’ve done in the past are catching up to you. You’re seriously retarded if you think THAT’LL ever happen.

  3. Every player in the US government should be getting tested on a regular basis without notice
    And dirty is cause for immediate discharge

    Bring it to the top or don’t do it at all

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