U.S. government likely to respond to Ebola pandemic with military force, martial law and forced vaccines

governmentNatural News – by Mike Adams

The U.S. government is putting plans in place right now to invoke extreme emergency actions across the USA in response to an anticipated Ebola outbreak sweeping through U.S. cities. Late last week, the U.S. State Department ordered 160,000 Ebola hazmat suits in anticipation of an outbreak, and President Obama has already called upon the Pentagon to dispatch troops and supplies to Africa.

Earlier this summer, Obama signed a curious executive order that claims to grant federal officers the lawful right to arrest and quarantine anyone who shows symptoms of an infection. Full details of this executive order are explained in this 11-part Natural News article series covering Ebola truths the government isn’t publicly advertising.    

What else might the government do in a viral pandemic outbreak that threatens U.S. cities? Full details of the spectrum of options are revealed in Episode Four of my FREE online course Pandemic Preparedness, available now at www.BioDefense.com

There, you’ll learn:

– Why Homeland Security does not want to admit to national vulnerabilities to biological weapons

– How government doesn’t want the public to panic and lose trust in government

– Why the CDC seeks to create as much fear and panic as possible in order to enrich pharmaceutical interests

– Why government is primarily interested in the survival of government, not the survival of the citizens

– The U.S. government already has plans in place to survive massive pandemics: deep underground bunkers already exist for high-level officials

– Extensive plans are already in place for national emergency actions: confiscation of resources, quarantine of citizens, martial law, etc.

– Why quarantines will be enforced at gunpoint with lethal force

– Because most citizens are not prepared, they will become part of the crisis and create a crisis burden on government

– How government becomes a threat by mandating experimental vaccines

– History has proven that we can’t trust the safety of government-promoted vaccines

– Scientific fraud has been openly admitted by a top CDC scientist

– If an Ebola vaccine is made available, it will be an experimental vaccine that’s not tested for long-term safety

– The vaccine industry already has absolute legal immunity and zero liability from the harm caused by their products

– There are strategies you can use in almost any scenario to increase your odds of survival, even under a medical dictatorship

– Why you need to survive so that you can contribute to the rebuilding of society after the pandemic

– How WE (humans) caused the pandemics! We are the cause of the planetary imbalances that lead to viral outbreaks

Learn all these details and more at the FREE online Pandemic Preparedness course at www.BioDefense.com

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/046898_Ebola_pandemic_government_response_executive_orders.html#ixzz3DZcybOkw

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