Uncovering The Attempts To Steal All Of Palestinian Land

Desert Peace – by Evelyn Hecht-Galinski

No, the story can not be covered up, every attempt is doomed to failure in the long run. Even though the “Jewish State” maintains the most efficient “cover-up center”, the secretive security section of the Zionist “War Department” for “blue-and-white washing”. (1) The documents about the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the evidence of expulsion, deportations of about 800,000 Palestinians, massacres, rape, raids and destruction by the “Jewish Defense Army” at the founding of the state on its murderous way to the Judaisierung, one wants again to the secret thing do. Thanks to the Israeli daily Haaretz, this attempt, which has been going on for years, to make the Nakba (catastrophe) disappear into secret archives, has been uncovered. (2) 

“Jewish state” finally revealed as an apartheid state

According to Haaretz, a group of civil society organizations, historians and archivists called on Prime Minister Netanyahu to order the current Malmab cover-up leader Nir Ben Menashe to end the agency’s policy and thus the cover-up and immediately re-open the documents or return the ones that had already been removed and to preserve the last appearance of democracy. This authority causes serious damage to any historical research. However, it is unlikely that this state will reflect, but rather it will try as usual to discredit unpleasant researchers and scientists. It is the direct attempt to eradicate Palestine forever. It’s just the one more attempt to guarantee the sole claim of the “chosen Jewish people” forever. This claim is as false and unlawful as the national state law, which finally exposes the “Jewish state” as an apartheid state.

Do not distort history unilaterally Zionistically

As little as the sole claim to Jerusalem as the eternal and undivided capital of the “Jewish state” will endure, it will be impossible in the long run to falsify history unilaterally Zionistically. The plundering of the PLO archives in 1982, the transfer of parts of the documents to Israel as well as the raid and plundering of the Orient House in East Jerusalem were already attempts to free themselves from their own war crimes and their own guilt – always with the reference to the security interests of the “Jewish state”

Even Jewish citizens are denigrated as anti-Semitic

The fact that Malmab’s former director, Yehiel Horev, who led the agency until 2007, justifies the cover-up with reference to state security, which can also affect foreign policy, is exactly the same as that country’s “only” democracy in the country The Middle East, however, more and more proves how far away it is from this claim. A country that has been built on destruction and permanent violation of international law and denounces any criticism of its policies as anti-Semitic, even defamed even Jewish citizens as anti-Semites, has forfeited any claim to recognition and support.

Primer in the Nakba

Also, the expulsion of the Bedouins, which continues to this day, is a dark chapter of the founding of the state. Of course, it is completely impossible to unwrap all the documents, books and studies on the subject. So what remains is the Hasbara (propaganda), which is state-sponsored and scientifically supported, to draw these writings as implausible and untrue into Zionist mud. It seems that only after the publication of many historical books on the Nakba, did they notice which explosives were in them and how the public reacted to them.

Zionist methods of the state terror regime

It is the usual Zionist methods with which this state terror regime wants to make its documented crimes and massacres disappear into Zionist Nirwarna. As forcefully as Ilan Pappe described these events and thus historically documented for eternity, hardly any other historian did and does, no wonder that he is so hostile to the Israel lobby. After all, so many details about the secretive facts of founding a state are hard to bear.

The myth of clean Zionism has long since become a farce. Even today, people are afraid that even more details will be published than known, which could lead to unrest and turmoil. It would be so easy to finally clean and face the blame.

Holocaust impossible without connection to Nakba

Instead, one refers again and again to the guilt of the Holocaust and its uniqueness. But how can you see the Holocaust without a connection to the Nakba? Is not the founding of the state and the mass expulsion of the Palestinians as a sad consequence of the Holocaust to see? After all, it is this uniqueness of this Zionist state foundation at the expense of the Palestinian people, with the attempt to make Palestine disappear in order to make the Jewish state shine. How Israel has succeeded in wiping out the Palestinian villages, all cultural traces, the language, the identity, is beyond perfidy. Yes, the “Jewish state” is the master of Judaization at the expense of another people. People were blown up without pity for homeless families.

Like many other massacres, Deir Yassin is still unpunished today, as is the Nakba in general. The attempt to undo it by covering up has already failed forever. It is thanks to Israeli organizations such as Zochrot that the tracks of hundreds of Palestinian villages and people have not been forgotten. When the National Socialists tried to make Germany “Jew-pure” in order to make the “Aryan race” the only German representation of the “bio-German”, this was an attempt to destroy a religious community. Just as one remembers this annihilation to this day, it is time finally to commemorate the systematic evictions of the Nakba. Today, German politicians keep making a pilgrimage to the memorial site for the millions of murdered Jews after Yad Vashem.

Only the path of memory leads to a new beginning

What recklessness is gone over is unprecedented and should just shame Jewish citizens and their philosemitic helpers and finally move to thinking and rethinking. How can one remember a guilt without remembering the other? After all, only the path of memory leads to a new beginning.

When will we see the international community finally becoming aware of what it is doing with the support of this Jewish apartheid state? This state, which also has nuclear weapons and the worst new weapons systems, and is becoming increasingly threatening for its neighbors Lebanon, Syria and Iran, thanks to US and European aid, must finally be sanctioned. For let us not forget, it is not Iran that threatens Israel, but it is the Netanyahu regime and its US aides threatening peaceful Iran.

Covering up the story is impossible

Although historical past and war crimes can be covered up for a while, they can not be made to disappear. A “revision” of its history is impossible, and the State of Israel has no legal basis for doing so. But is this state still ready to submit to the law? Probably not, because law and democracy are incompatible with Zionism and the Jewish state, which is only concerned with obscuring historical truth and lying to a suitable and glorifying Jews together. But lies and defamation have short legs, and Zionists who stole Palestine have to give it back.


(1) https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-how-israel-systematically-hides-evidence-of-1948-expulsion-of-arabs-1.7435103

(2) https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/wie-israel-berichte-about-massaker-an-palaestinensern-nachtraeglich-sperr-16301027.html

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Desert Peace

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