US lawmaker releases pictures of aliens

The photos depict the unsanitary and cramped living conditions that undocumented immigrants, many of whom are unaccompanied children, are experiencing in a detention center near the US-Mexico border.Press TV

New photos released by Rep. Henry Cuellar’s (D-Texas) office depict the unsanitary and cramped living conditions that undocumented immigrants, many of whom are unaccompanied children, are experiencing in a detention center near the US-Mexico border.

The photos were first published by the Houston Chronicle. Cuellar’s office declined Monday to tell Business Insider who took the photos and where exactly they were taken.

President Barack Obama has previously called the buildup of unaccompanied minors at temporary border facilities an “urgent humanitarian situation,” and the government has directed considerable resources to housing and caring for the children. Customs and Border Protection, which is part of the Department of Homeland Security, is supposed to turn over minors to the Department of Health and Human Services within three days, but many children are remaining in detention facilities for longer periods due to the massive influx.

Breitbart Texas released photos of the crisis in early June that showed the undocumented immigrants living in tight, hard-floored spaces. CBP is currently investigating reports that minors have been mistreated at those facilities.

Cuellar, who toured a detention facility in McAllen, Texas, on Saturday with local officials, said in a press release on Monday that he believes federal officers “are doing all that they can under the circumstances to ensure every migrant is treated with dignity and respect.”

“There is no strong protocol in place for dealing with Central American immigrants and some of the most important work left is to improve the process for returning them to their home countries,” he said. “The United States needs to do a better job in working with Mexico to strengthen their southern border and to work with the Central American countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.”

Vice President Joe Biden is set to travel to Latin America on Friday and will address the surge at the border. The Huffington Post


7 thoughts on “US lawmaker releases pictures of aliens

  1. Re: “The United States needs to do a better job in working with Mexico to strengthen their southern border …….

    Ya … like that’s gonna happen. What the U.S. NEEDS to do, what it WANTS to do, and what it DOES is like shi**ing in one hand and wishing in the other. See which hand fills up the fastest.

    Mexico couldn’t give a rip about these people. The country is overpopulated and Mexico is glad to get rid of some of them. Besides that, in two years time, many of these kids will be of voting age. Meanwhile … I hear the sucking sound of Social Security being drained.

    Anybody got a culvert I can use for my new home?
    . . .

  2. OK, that looks like the aftermath of some of the dorm parties we partook in. Either way people, however “deplorable” the conditions are described by the communists, they are in a Five Star Hotel compared to where they came from.

  3. “The United States needs to do a better job in working with Mexico to strengthen their southern border and to work with the Central American countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.”

    BULLSHIT! Enough with the lying! We all know Mexico is working with our treasonous government and Central America in order to make this invasion of illegal immigrants happen. Just admit it Cuellar, you treasonous piece of shit.

  4. “Illegal immigrants”, “alien immigrants “, “migrant workers”, “undocumented immigrants”, blah, blah, blah……. what a bunch of word-game bullshit! Why don’t we call them what they are; foreign marauding invaders? Works for me!

  5. How many in that group look like “kids” to you? Honestly? I think 90 % of them are already voting age. Click on the link at the bottom of the article for a bigger picture. I wish the media and the liberals would quit calling them “kids.” They’re mostly adults. Illegal Adults.

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