‘We don’t want war, it’s not Russia who unfolded spiral of violence in Ukraine’ – Russia’s UN envoy

Published on Mar 14, 2014 by RT

Addressing the chorus of criticism at the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine, Moscow’s ambassador has reconfirmed that Russia does not want any escalation of the Ukraine crisis and is not interfering with the upcoming referendum in Crimea – READ MORE http://on.rt.com/jt4cwo

4 thoughts on “‘We don’t want war, it’s not Russia who unfolded spiral of violence in Ukraine’ – Russia’s UN envoy

  1. It seems like the Rooskie to the right of the speaker is freely making use of the “Go ye forth and multiply hand gesture by extending the obligatory finger toward his temple for the world to see.”

  2. The only way to a peaceful resolve would be for Russia to pull out on the condition of a nation wide election in all of Ukraine (including Crimea) and allow the people to vote for the government that will rule there instead of what was put in after the coup. The west would not accept it but it would give Russia a better standing with some countries that are on the fence with what is happening. Putin came out smelling like a rose in Syria and he can in Ukraine with something like I said but I believe his hands are tied, they would not risk losing what they gained in Ukraine, and now if they allow Crimea to leave they will appear weak and Putin cant just back out of Crimea because he will appear weak.

      1. Yeltsin gave it away (or back) to Ukraine and in the deal allowed Russia to keep 25,000 troops there along with its deep sea port, apparently against the Crimean’s wishes, because they wanted to stay part of Russia, and this has been recognized as such. I would think that it’s past would allow it to peacefully go to whichever nation it chose to or even become it’s own sovereign nation, but there are busy body governments that have now stuck there heads out so far that they risk looking like a fool if Crimea leaves the Ukraine,(that is looking at Crimea as it still belongs to the Ukraine which is currently recognized by most of the world).

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