4 thoughts on “Weather Control, Directed Energy Weapons, and Fires Rage Worldwide

  1. Sorry, can’t seem to get past the “pedo” uniform that dude is wearing.
    Too bad, mighta had good content.

    1. I couldn’t get beyond the ‘all seeing’ eye at the intro 🙂
      but that’s ok…I am quite familiar with the material

  2. This man looked perfectly “normal” ~5 years ago but he is battling Grave’s disease.
    Thyroid hyperactivity. That disease screws with every function of your body including your personal demeanor. He’s a normal guy with a family and children to support. So please cut him some slack.
    There is a phenomenal amount of great information on his site. It’s easily accessible and beyond my ability to know all of it. And I’m pretty well read. Do not dismiss this man. He has done more work on this topic with the least amount of obvious dis/mis Information I’ve found on the internet.

    I agree about the intro graphics. He is a website designer by trade. Great graphics generally aren’t free but if you Google roatating transparent earth graphics there are an incredible number of free examples. I wonder why? They are everywhere and used by many websites, and, yeah, they include bullshit “Illuminati” one eyed graphics. The transparent rotating earth is basically an all seeing eye symbol.

    We all need to get past these obvious attempts to divert our attention from important data.

    “I couldn’t get past the all seeing eye? WTF?
    But that’s OK…I’m quite familiar with the material.”
    That’s OK. You just told me you are not interested in learning anything. Jesus H.
    That is a BS lazy attitude.
    I feel quite certain that you are not quite familiar with the material.

    2 comments and both blow off the important information because neither of you can get past the incredibly obvious BS that is put there to prevent you from knowing about this open source information.
    Trying to educate people is a waste of my f**king time if that’s your attitude.
    Unfortunately, virtually everyone else I know is just like you.
    That’s why America is becoming a “shithole” country. People with your f**king attitude.
    I spend all day filtering through bullshit information.
    I only pass along a special few things that I believe are really important.
    Am I always right? No.
    Trust me, I’m much, much better at it than you are.

    Thanks for nothing.

    1. no need for you to be so arrogant…..you don’t know me……I have read much on directed energy as well as other ‘silent’ weapons being used against us ….you can expose these weapons (as has been done for years) but unless the man at the switch is stopped, well….
      ‘Trust me, I’m much, much better at it than you are.’………………….congratulations

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