Welcome to the 4th Industrial Transhumanist IOB Graphene Nanobot Revolution

Activist Post – by Maryam Henein

Here we explore how 5G –The Covid Industrial Complex – Nanotech – Transhumanism & Charles Lieber all fit together. 

The wireless future is here.

And, seemingly, the idea – under this Transhumanist Agenda – is to place nanotech inside our bodies that communicate in real-time with the Smart Grid, powered by 5G.

The model ostensibly turns human beings, via nano-implants, into antennas that can transmit information. Basically, they’re turning human beings into quasi-machines.

Welcome to the 4th Industrial Transhumanist IOB Graphene Nanobot Revolution

It’s called the ‘internet of bodies’; IOB; or the ‘nanotech of things,” NToT; and it connects with the Internet of Things (IOT). This is accomplished by embedding graphene-made sensors into fabrics; or, better yet, the nanotech is implanted or ingested, creating a technology platform inside of us.

For instance, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla described the first-ever FDA-approved “electronic pill,” which will invite “compliance,” by sending a signal to your ‘doctor’ that you have indeed swallowed your ‘medication.’

“What we will see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital, and biological world,” says Klaus Shwab of the World Economic Forum.

Oh Klausy!

Read the rest here: https://www.activistpost.com/2022/01/welcome-to-the-4th-industrial-transhumanist-iob-graphene-nanobot-revolution.html

One thought on “Welcome to the 4th Industrial Transhumanist IOB Graphene Nanobot Revolution

  1. According to a Spanish research group, La Quinta Columna, using an electron microscope to analyze the vaccines, they are putting graphene oxide in them and not listing it as an ingredient. So if you got the shot, you’re their robot.

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