Aug 30, 2021
Follow the money.
Please read the following links for clarification.
World Economic Forum:…
COVID 19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab:…
WEF 2021:… “Obviously, the era linked with attempts to build a centralized and unipolar world order has ended. To be honest, this era did not even begin. A mere attempt was made in this direction, but this, too, is now history. The essence of this monopoly ran counter to our civilization’s cultural and historical diversity.” ~ Vladimir Putin, World Economic Forum, 2021 READ FULL ADDRESS HERE:…
ISIS K and the Taliban:…
Thanks, EOTS. I learned something new about contradictions and extracted these two gems:
“Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises; you will find that one of them is wrong.”
— Ayn Rand
“The difficulty of a task is irrelevant when the alternative is worse.”
— Jordan Peterson