When Parents Attack: Parents Run-Off School Board, Elect New Board & End Mask Mandate!

Sons Of Liberty Media

Published on 29 Apr 2021

Sons Of Liberty – Tim Brown – 2021-04-29 – Thursday – When Parents Attack: Parents Run-Off School Board, Elect New Board & End Mask Mandate!

Some parents have actually had enough of elected representatives ignoring them and have stepped up to not only remove them but be the replacements and the solution to the problem. The most recent maneuver came from Vail. Arizona where hundreds of parents descended on the school board meeting and were furious about the continued mask mandates. What happened is nothing short of spectacular.

4 thoughts on “When Parents Attack: Parents Run-Off School Board, Elect New Board & End Mask Mandate!

  1. I don’t listen to many religious individuals but I do listen to these guys. They really are the only religious guys that tell the truth about what needs to be done to restore our law. And it’s not sit and wait for Jesus or Trump to save you.
    Hopefully the public sees this and realizes there’s only one way this gets done. You can’t stop a mob of Americans with a goal. We get sh*t done.

  2. Well, toxic school-system aside… I’m all for parents rising up; it’s just hard to take bread from any who season it with “the Judeo/Christian ethic” and claim that that ethic provides “the principles upon which this nation was founded.” Bill of Rights states “freedom of religion,” a founding principle.

    Many of those Judeo/Christian “principles” have placed guilt, blame, and shame on me. Many have been sold to me as sacrosanct, as if no human had a hand in writing them down. Many have made it clear that I am un-chosen, which translates to me as “less loved.” I do not think Jesus of Nazareth would approve.


    1. Jesus would whoop their arses but nobody needs a Bible to tell ’em so! The ten Articles is enough for US but that unholy bastardized marriage the khazars forced itself on Christianity really is a psychological castration. They’re really doing a bang up job of weaving their tentacles into the Bill of Rights but we’re gonna be the ones to cut ’em off AND down.

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