While Syria is the Focus, Another Arab Spring Obama Experiment in Libya is Collapsing

Shenandoah – by John Galt

As the United States prepares another undeclared, unconstitutional, and unnecessary war against the nation of Syria, its last adventure into Libya is now imploding on a daily basis. When left wing globalist rags like Foreign Policy magazine recognize this fact, it is not rocket science to figure out that the crisis inside of Libya is far worse than advertised:  

Libya Goes for Broke

The opening paragraph from the August 14th article by Fayuruz Abdulhadi tells the tale of woe imposed by the Obama-Bankster regimes of the U.S. and Europe:

Libya has been an especially difficult place to live over the past few weeks. With a string of high profile assassinations, a jailbreak, and a series of sometimes thwarted car bomb attacks, there is plenty for Libyans to be exasperated by. Yet amidst the lawlessness of recent weeks, nothing has frustrated the Libyan streets more than the daily power outages, sometimes running up to an excruciating 16 hours at a time.

In other words under an Islamofacist dictator who was not attacking any Western nation they were better off than the non-stop civil war and tribal fighting which has been ongoing since the overthrow of Qaddafi and assassination of the U.S. Ambassador, Christopher Stevens. What conflicts, fighting, and problems one might ask if they follow only the mainstream propaganda media of the U.S. or worse, the newspapers which waste ink and paper in this nation of ours. Here are a few examples of the problems Libya has been enduring recently:

From the Tripoli Post August 25, 2013:

Libya: Heavy Fighting West of Tripoli Leaves Many Dead, Wounded


Zawia, Libya– At least 10 people have been killed and over twenty more wounded from a three-day fighting between Zawia and Werrshifana tribes located 25 kms west of the capital Tripoli.

Will CNN, Faux News, MSDNC, or any outlet in the U.S. report this story which shows the failures of US policy and our Messiah in Chief? Nope.

Also from today via the Saudi Gazette:

How Libyan navy warned off suspected supertanker

From the AP yesterday:

Gunmen kill senior criminal investigator in Libya

And more from around the web:

How militias took control of post-Gaddafi Libya

Ancient Greek City in Libya Threatened by Destruction

Strikes and political instability threaten Libya

Libyan army colonel gunned down in Benghazi

Libya oil port blockade reflects national disarray

Political assassination plunges Libya into vicious cycle of violence

Clashes rage in Libya after blasts, protests

Why does everyone assume an new adventure into Syria will be just as successful as the Libyan disaster? Because the administration working with its lackeys in the mainstream media refuse to report on the aftermath of the disasters resulting from the “Arab Spring” in Egypt, Libya, and yes, Tunisia which is enduring protests and deaths also.  Even the alternative media in this country is bypassing the story of suffering there because it fails to meet the “noise” test for generating web hits and traffic to justify their commercial existence. When the war starts in Syria within days if not hours, please understand that like Libya, it will end poorly.

Primarily because the United States has a President who will ignore the wanton slaughter of men,women, and children to justify his approval rating in the polls and a chance to show off his Nobel Peace Prize to the sheep who think he is our new God on Earth.



3 thoughts on “While Syria is the Focus, Another Arab Spring Obama Experiment in Libya is Collapsing

  1. No word of that shitty little country in the middle east that wants to expand its territory, to include Syria, Lebanon, Iran, etc?

    1. Sure there is! Every time you read the word Obama. Nuttyyahoo is right there doing his ventriloquist act. There is your crappy piece of desert!

  2. We need to become energy-independent, so that we can walk away from this part of the planet. Let the barbarians wreak havoc on themselves all they want.

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