Woman Distracted By Phone Falls Into Open Sidewalk Doors

Published on Jun 9, 2017 by Dark Horse News

Surveillance videos show the moment a woman fell through a sidewalk access door in Plainfield, New Jersey because she was distracted by her phone. Authorities say the 67-year-old woman appeared to be texting when she tripped over an open access door and plunged six feet into the basement of a window pane store.

12 thoughts on “Woman Distracted By Phone Falls Into Open Sidewalk Doors

  1. Oh Darwin, where are you ?
    we have todays award winner .. see its these blissfully unaware people that vote ..
    so you get what we have in our administrations of our governments , people constantly falling down on the job and distracted by the dumbest shit

    1. Oh come on, don’t you love democracy?

      I’m sure the worlds elites would hand over the keys of power to this lady and her ilk, so long as a 51% majority was achieved in the polls right?

      Even better with the rule of the majority we are going to protect minorities, that makes sense right?

      Get your smart phone and get in line folks, there is a big hole in our path that we can fall into like lemmings, there is sugar candy and dollars down there, and oh yeah everyone is beautiful.

      Live Laugh Love, dump your kids in brainwashing camp and go buy more Chinese shit.

  2. when she started to fall she could have saved herself by deciding her life or letting go of the phone?

  3. Surveillance video captured the moment a woman in Plainfield, NJ glanced down at her cell phone before she tripped over open sidewalk doors and fell six feet into the space beneath them.

    According to Plainfield police, units responded just after 12 p.m. on Thursday to the area in front of Acme Windows on Somerset Street on report of a woman injured.

    There police found the 67-year-old woman, who they removed from the space beneath the open doors. She was taken by EMS to a local hospital with serious but not life-threatening injuries, police said.

    Police said surveillance video showed the woman appeared to have been distracted by her phone when she tripped on the open doors and fell into the space below.

    They said the sidewalk or bilco

      1. It’s my opinion that store should have put out warnings alerting people to the open doors. Not very considerate of them and dangerous to boot.

        1. LOL… a flashing red light might have caught her attention, but not much else, I’m thinkin’.

    1. In today’s world that woman could be considered “easy prey”. Probably already done with her breeding so the gene pool will not be protected. Too bad.

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