7 thoughts on “10/9 @8:30PM Latest Press Conference From LVPD On Las Vegas incident #DNN

  1. This guy is so full of bullshit his ears stink. He knows damn well what the hell is going on here, that’s why that stooge is standing all over him.

    1. “Read this or you will be speaking with Vince Foster.”

      Damn right he is ‘concerned’.

      They keep force feeding this story, some even take a bite, but no one is swallowing because it smells like shiite.

  2. Ok
    How can anyone trust a word of what he says
    When we all know pigs are allowed to lie to us
    But we are not allowed to lie to them

    This one ability that they pushed so hard for and that they regularly use to impunity ,now comes back to bite their credibility right in the ass ,along with the Smith-Mundt act of 1948that was over turned by Congress in 1987
    That basically allows the media to lie to all of us too
    So we have a deceitful DC
    A deceitful Police Entity
    And a deceitful Press
    And We the People are to just buy this bull crap we’ve been getting shoveled on for the past 50-60 years ?

    I got a bridge to sell and some property west of LA

    Get ready folks
    The shits getting deep
    And when that much SHTF
    We’re all gonna get hit

  3. ok, whos the F-stick standing beside him?
    anyone know?
    we need to dig into who he is and why does the cop need him holding his hand?

  4. @ 4 minutes: “First, and most important, is I want to say the FBI, the Red Cross, and City and County Fire are doing an amazing job. This is not an easy task to undertake but their process is efficient, and even though we have been talking about the numbers of people who attended the concert, and the number of victims injured or killed, you really don’t understand the magnitude until you see the rows and tables of personal belongings that left behind as people fled the venue.”

    Well, it does indeed appear the FBI handler standing behind him did an “amazing job.” And from all the dramatic, ground-level videos and photos taken the first day, all those “personal belongings” are empty beverage containers and other trash. People don’t leave phones, cameras, clothes and other belongings behind (what other “belongings” do people bring to concerts?) when they hear “firecrackers.” Nor do they abandon the belongings of friends and relatives who’ve been shot.

    “So, moving forward, we anticipate being at the Route 91 site for at least another week, along with the room at the Mandalay Bay. As I’ve said from day one, we want to figure out why, the why to this, and we’d like to know the motive. That is our most important goal, to prevent any further action associated with an other individual who is contemplating this, or what exactly, um, went along in the suspect’s mind to enable him to pull off such a complicated event.”

    Except that the “complicated” parts weren’t pulled off by “the suspect.” Like knocking out the wrong hotel windows, for instance.

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