2018 Brought Our Bill Of Rights To Its Knees – What Will 2019 Bring?

It’s hard to say Merry Christmas when you have been faced with tyranny and treason; American Nationals freedoms flushed down the toilet. We here at FTTWR know all too well how our Bill of Rights has been stripped from us, especially since globalization took hold in the last 15 or so years.

We are reminded daily from our talk show host, Henry Shivley, as he expertly draws us the picture of what has happened over the years, the deceit shoved down our throats, and how we have been robbed by our own leaders, so only the wealthy may have a more comfortable life. Some of the wealthiest people on the planet somehow managed to find positions of American leadership, controlling our every move, the wealthy looking down their noses at the rest.  

Having worked all my life, as many of you, I have yet to have the comfort of knowing I will have a retirement, every year the cost of living has skyrocketed, inflation hitting hard without equivalent pay increases, yet the billionaires of the nation becoming richer, as I become poorer. Billionaires able to buy business jets for 15 million dollars and receiving tax breaks, bringing the cost of the plane to half of that, while I’m wondering if I’m going to have a roof over my head during my so called retirement years. This, while relocating their manufacture offshore, taking jobs from Americans while eating sushi and steaks at 49,000 feet up in the air, traveling at 650 mph, flying over tent cities cramped with impoverished Americans.

We live in a country where the rich control the poor’s destiny, a big violation of our Bill of Rights, so much so that if you listen carefully, you can hear the sucking sound from your bank account flowing straight into their pockets. We live in a country where immigrants are treated better than American Nationals, given carte blanch to our services, in which we are denied.

We live in a country where our natural resources are stolen from us for nothing more than to feed billionaires. We live in a country where the corporation feeds the illegal admiralty courts, stealing away our common law rights, requiring knowledge of the “writ of the mandamus” to rectify the horrible wrongs our leaders have slapped upon us.

2018 brought many shut downs of the Trenches radio show, effectively killing Henry Shivley’s daily word, exasperating to say the least, yet we marched on.

2018 brought the deaths of good friends who have braved the tyranny, reminding us how real the tyranny has become, how real the deviant and disgusting actions of our so called  leaders from behind closed doors, still out there living the good life.

Real men like Spike Timmons, a true patriot and hero who fought beside Henry Shivley and Mark Korenke for many years, giving all of us reassurance that this war can and will be won; The only acceptable outcome being, the reinstatement of our beloved Bill of a Rights. We also salute Diggerdan, Millard, Don Boettcher who have left us, true heroes who were loved by many.

Other brave souls will undoubtedly take the reins. We have had many brave individuals bless us here at the Trenches giving Henry Shivley needed support. We have been blessed by some extremely strong women as well, most of whom have been here for many years. Women like Angel, Katie, Mary, Galen, Ruth, DL, Jill, Misty, Daisy Luther and more. One who stands out and loved by many, Laura Shivley, Henry’s wife, who without this site would never have happened as she has kept the lid on this awesome web site who is never far from her lap top a true hero. Standing strong by Henry’s side; everything you see when you click on is because of her hard work.

As all of you, I hope and pray that what our forefathers envisioned for a fair and equitable life in America will someday return as envisioned, the true reinstatement of our Bill of Rights, no other alternative is acceptable, bless you all as we navigate through 2019.

Death to the new world order, globalization be damned; Demand the full reinstatement of our Bill of Rights as recognized hundreds of years ago as ratified law.

20 thoughts on “2018 Brought Our Bill Of Rights To Its Knees – What Will 2019 Bring?

  1. Real fine article Mark, yet I will say that I personally don’t call any govt. person my leader. And I detest the word when used in reference to govt..

    They are supposed to be servants, doing the will of us, the masters. When they are in their elected capacity as servants, they are of a lower status. When they step out of that capacity or are summoned into a common law court, then are they on par as one of the sovereigns, you and I.

    Thanks for writing! Merry Christmas.

  2. Well said, Mark. Well said. Bravo, and thank God for FTTWR and all who make it possible.

    And I second DTTNWO. Long live the Republic!

    1. Thx Martist,

      Enjoyed your participation over these years, you’ve been an awesome inspiration, your comments have helped immensely brother, always enjoy your words..

      1. Thank you, Mark. Those are very kind words and uplifting which gives me strength. If only others realized that we are doing what we can until the rubber meets the road in the big way. Many of US here have sacrificed much for this fight and I will attest to that fact.

        In breakfast, the chicken and the pig both have a part, but there is a difference.

        The chicken is involved but the pig, the pig is committed. He only gets one shot at it.

  3. Sometimes being brought to your knees makes you more determined to get up quick and fight harder.

    Mark, thank you. Really written from the heart. And I’m sure many relate to the financial challenges you mention with all the crooked ways they’re stealing from us. I can only wish for us to somehow feel secure that our needs will be met.

    It is a sorry state of affairs, and like you I am thankful for and comforted by this crazy clubhouse called The Trenches. There’s so much honesty here, and humor, and intelligence, and above all, integrity. These certainly all help, not only in feeling supported while making it through, but also in preparing for what’s ahead. Knowing there are others standing courageously adds so much to perseverance and fortitude. And beyond all that, the site actually focuses on solution: Bill of Rights and The Common Law.

    Thank you for remembering the warriors we lost this year and for your appreciation, especially in mentioning Laura, another true warrior. As for Henry… Geez, I just don’t know what to say about him, except that I love and trust him and feel amazingly blessed to have such a teacher. I don’t use the word “teacher” lightly, but surely, since finding Henry, I have been enrolled in a master class on survival and freedom. What better way to thank your professor then to really know the material? More study ahead.

    Merry Christmas and appreciation to all The Trenchers. Love you guys. And to you Mark… You are a light, always authentic, smart, determined. Very glad to call you “brother.”


    1. Thx Galen for the kind words, I felt it important to mention the great women here at the trenches, your comments over the years warranted that. The women here are all intelligent, much smarter than me, and I love every comment, especially when I get straightened out. I’m one of those guys that dont take criticism well, I’ve had to deal with that, my bad.

      You know, Henry has always been a big brother to me, even though I’m older. 🙂 We hit it off quick, really been a cool relationship. I cant think of a better person to tackle this crapola that we face on a daily basis.

      I know this site has made a dent, proven by all the shows shut downs. The people here are a special breed, dont take shit from anybody, a tough site that will grind you up quick if your not on point, just as should be. Tough as nails women are a blessing, along with the guys here, you wouldn’t want to mess with.

      Just really an awesome site.

      Merry Christmas Galen

  4. Dang it, Mark, you really made my day and even more…what a post! Merry Christmas, and I would like to send you a little gift (one of my novels, posted ad at side) for mentioning me alongside women who likely deserve your mentioning them more than I do. I can ask Henry for your address, or you can e-mail me with your address by clicking on the “DL.” link with this comment. I am overjoyed at your post, which is brilliant, IMHO. Awesome! Blessings to you!

    1. DL, your awesome

      Feel free to email Henry, I’m sure hell give you my address, or email and I will get back to you.

      Thanks, looking forward to the great read.

      All of us enjoy your words and participation, you’ve been great. Many who we never hear from, but who read your post I’m sure as well.


      1. You are most welcome, and thanks for quick response. i will email Henry for your address. Hope you like “Battle of the Band.” Will sign the book also. Hope to mail it by middle of next week…I live about thirty miles from our post office!

  5. Mark, you’ve been hanging around with that Shivley fellow for too long! Just kidding! Oh, wait, we aren’t supposed to kid around or have any kind of humor on the site. See what I did there? *laughs* Excellent article! One of the main points that stuck out to me was: “We live in a country where immigrants are treated better than American Nationals, given carte blanch to our services, in which we are denied.” If anyone wants to know why I despise illegal immigrants, they can start there, even if it is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Have a safe and very merry Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas Sunfire,

      Man you have been here for what, 8 years now? Probably longer. You and I have seen some shit brother. You know as well as I, this site has rocked a lot of boats, shaken a lot of bushes and 86d a lot of punk ass trolls, for real man. Been a pleasure you having my back all these years, and it’s been a pleasure me having yours. I come through your neck in the woods a lot, going into Jersey, mainly that shit hole Newark.

      It’s been a fun ride, thanks for putting up with my bullshit. No matter what people want to say about this or that, it’s obvious they frequent our site, but still like to talk shit, knowing damned well when this shit lights off, its get it on time. I know damn well all of us here will strap up and get to work, many of us are looking forward to it, hell I’ve done just about everything I’ve wanted to do in life, going to war for freedom will be the icing on the friggen cake.

      It’s been real sunfire

      1. I found the site back in 2009 when I was researching the unemployment extensions that were going on back then. I had just lost my job in 2009. The only reason I still have a roof over my head is the generosity of family members that help keep the bills paid when my crappy part-time job can’t make ends meet. You are so right, we have seen quite a few “interesting” individuals “grace” us with their presence here at the trenches. I always love when they finally cross a line and Henry so eloquently shuts their BS down. I’m very honored to be part of this site, and I always enjoy your articles. You sugarcoat nothing and tell it like it is! I’m so sorry you have to visit that cesspool called “Newark”. I avoid places like that: Paterson, Camden, Elizabeth, East Orange, West Orange, etc. Now that NJ has been made a sanctuary state, I am more determined than ever to get out here ASAP.

    1. Hi Angel,

      I know 2018 for you has been hell, I understand your pain bigtime, especially at Christmas. Your our sweetheart here at the trenches you know that right? We are and always will be 100,always. You have always made me feel wanted here with your kind words, you’ve always protected Henry and that in my book is everything.

      God knows good things eventually happen to good people, it’s your turn. Everybody here respects you to death, and that’s because you deserve it.

      Next year is going to shine, it’s your year.

      Merry Christmas Angel.

  6. Mark thank you for all you do and for the many articles you have written. Thank you to Henry and Laura, who have helped me so much and to the Trenchers who continue to help FTTWR.

    1. Your more than welcome Ruth

      It been a pleasure all these years in contributing to the site, thanks so much for your participation as well. I’m sure Henry and Laura appreciate as well.

      Merry Christmas and hope 2019 brings you much happiness.

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