Only 38% Of Americans Believe God Created Humans In Our Present Form

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This article goes on to blame the churches and colleges for this. Of course that is part of the story, but not all of it. Every aspect in our world today is anti-God, everything. You mention “God” and people will look away for a brief moment as if you said something horrible. Mention “Jesus Christ” and people not only look away for a few moments they start shifting around in their seats, suddenly their hair needs fixed so they motion their hands around. Watch people if you are not sure what I am talking about. We have been conditioned with the notion that saying, “God” or “Christ” is worse than a bad word. We have been told to keep this talk to a minimum as it might offend someone. But hey, the homosexual crowd can prance across the stage at our children’s schools and that is A okay. Drag queens can read to our children in our tax funded libraries and not a word. After all, that is “diversity”. But you Mr. and Mrs. Christian. You go ahead and bottle up that Christian, stuff because its offensive to the sinners you know.

Back to the article. Notice how they asked the question and that prompted only a 38% response of Americans believing God created us how we appear today. There are other polls asking do you believe in God and those are the numbers you commonly hear Christians tout. 85% of American’s are Christians. No they are not. When you start digging down their beliefs change dramatically. Some Christians believe in “God”, but they think we have gone through some evolution process highlighting their ignorance of the Bible. Instead of relying on our Father’s Word, they rely on mans. Foolishness, but what else do we expect at this hour?

In a permissive culture that is increasingly accommodated by the church rather than confronted and opposed by the church, this should probably come as no surprise. Gallup has revealed that the percentage of Americans believing that God created human beings in their present form (as in, not a ball of goo that miraculously morphed over time through scientifically unobservable and untestable “natural processes”) has dipped to a new low of just 38%.

They found:

This is the first time since 1982 — when Gallup began asking this question using this wording — that belief in God’s direct creation of man has not been the outright most-common response. Overall, roughly three-quarters of Americans believe God was involved in man’s creation — whether that be the creationist view based on the Bible or the view that God guided the evolutionary process, outlined by scientist Charles Darwin and others. Since 1982, agreement with the “secular” viewpoint, meaning humans evolved from lower life forms without any divine intervention, has doubled.

Source: Trust in the Bible is Falling – Thank Our Churches and “Christian” Colleges | The Resurgent

World Events and the Bible

11 thoughts on “Only 38% Of Americans Believe God Created Humans In Our Present Form

  1. Wow the majority don’t believe in invisible men in the sky that have a plan, what a surprise.
    I don’t need a bible to tell me not to rape, kill, pillage and burn but thanks for thinking its the only reason I have morality, how convenient for you and your failing agenda to dominate the heathen.

    1. Agree…don’t need a book to tell me how to live. I am here and now and my being is about helping my fellow man. The rest is pretty much irrelevant to me as it wastes too much of my energy. Then again I guess that is the plan. The most ‘Christ like’ person I ever knew was my former neighbor …..and she was an atheist.

  2. The mark of the beast is the belief that man is only a beast. It came from the jews, and it’s number is 666, and the star of David, aka Molech is it’s symbol, and the Idumean jews is where it originated. They believe in, and will have no life after this, their wretched existence of greed, theft LIES and murders.

    They are bestial spirited, sons of the serpent spirited animal man who conned Eve in the Garden. That theory has been around as long as man has. Sir Isaac Newton rebuked it in the 17th century as Paul did in the 1st.

    A heavenly master governs all the world as Sovereign of the universe. We are astonished at Him by reason of His Perfection, we honor Him and fall down before Him because of His unlimited Power. From blind physical necessity, which is always and everywhere the same, no variety adhering to and place could evolve, and all variety of created objects which represent order and life in the universe could happen only by the willful reasoning of it’s original Creator, whom I call The Lord God!

    Isaac Newton 1642–1727 Waaay before the jew named Darwin a real genius had considered and utterly dismissed evolution.

    1 Timothy 6:20
    O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

    1. Evolution is just as retarded as the all powerful invisible man with a plan, there are simply no missing links in the fossil record or alive in modern times.

      I’ve met some intelligent and compassionate beasts in my day, they sure do not seem soulless to me.

      I understand going to the grave never knowing the illusive meaning of life is difficult for some, but maybe if we are more present in mind we can make a world worth living in, instead of waiting to die for a promise.

    2. “… and the star of David…”

      No such thing as the Star of David… ANOTHER blatant jew lie. It’s the Seal of Solomon, or the Star of Rephan/Remphan.

  3. I personally don’t care what someone’s religious beliefs are as long as they treat their fellow human beings with justice and fairness, and animals with basic compassion.

    In my experience, there is little if any correlation between a person’s character and his or her level of belief in God. I’ve known psychopathic and demonic people who professed belief in Christianity, and similarly evil people who were atheists. I’ve also known many wonderful Christians, Hindus, Muslims, atheists, and even a few good Jews. Really, religious belief just seems independent of personal goodness.

  4. 38%…..hmmmmn.
    I guess the other 62% believe that God has a vagina.

    Bada ching..!

    While we’re on the subject of God/gods..
    According to greek legends..
    I hear Mercury is a hermaphrodite.
    Who woulda thunk that.?

    I’d have to see it on the internet to take that seriously.

    Because if its on the internet.

    I know its true….right…?

    Because I’m knot the average village moron idiot.

    Because.., I’ve bean edjewbicated.

    I even have documented slave working papers…
    Called.. Degrees.

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