9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying

Uploaded on Mar 3, 2009 by NanoThermite911

Who’s Lying? NIST and conspirators eager to cover-up their crimes or the FDNY?

Smoking Gun Proof :
Peer Reviewed Primary Article confirms Thermite was Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

Primary Article Source : http://www.bentham-open.org/pages/con…

Marvin Bush sat on the Board of Directors for Stratasec/Securacom which ran electronic security at the World Trade Center during the 9 month elevator renovation that was done on the buildings by Ace Elevator Co.

During this time it was not only conceivable but also reported that there were strange noisy workers inside the buildings operating on the empty maintenance floors. Look up William Rodriguez, Ben Fountain, and Scott Forbes if you need witnesses to this as well as the power down and evacuation drills being conducted the weekend before 9/11.

Rudy Giuliani’s FEMA Command Bunker covers the “reconstruction” in WTC 7 and Barry Jennings is our Star Witness for what happened there.

Through the elevator shafts access can be gained to 4 foot crawl spaces between floors where explosives could have been planted without workers in the buildings realizing it or seeing what was going on. They also shifted tennants around often enough that they could hide the work from the occupancy (which was an all time low)

Technical Papers on 9/11 collapse up for peer review @ AE911truth.org

Physical Chemistry of Thermite, Thermate, Iron-Alum-Rich Microspheres at Demise of WTC 1 & 2 Jerry Lobdill 6/15/2007

9/11 Physics Problems:
WTC 7: A Short Computation Prof. Kenneth L. Kuttler

The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis
By Prof. Graeme MacQueen and Tony Szamboti

NIST Report on WTC 7 dissected by Engineers:

Lies about the WTC by NIST and Underwriters Laboratories
Kevin Ryan – U.L. whistleblower – former Site Manager

A useful 9/11 collapse simulator:

The NIST WTC Investigation — How Real Was The Simulation?
Eric Douglas, Architect

NIST in their own words admits free fall speed:
“Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)”

NIST admitting Free Fall On Video
1. watch?v=V0GHVEKrhng
2. watch?v=XtKLtUiww80
3. watch?v=Vz43hcKYBm4

Law of Conservation of Momentum

Laws of Kinematics:

One thought on “9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying

  1. some day the physics, chemistry and mathematics will all come together and present the truth of this horror…preplanned and carried out by only those who would have the resources to so do……..certainly was not arabs….who had that capability to put all that energy to these buildings…
    physics and math can right now calculate beyond a doubt how much energy had to be applied to have this much evidence in the condition that it was found to be in, during the clean up….well, even the free fall of the sky scrapers….tells the facts of the situation at its beginning….not who, or so much how, just ..the visual reality of the evil dead…itself….turning instantly to dust before settling to the footprint….of the building…
    This evidence presented in this video is an example of and there are so many more, ..too many leaks in the dam of DC……and that some day the dam is going to break…..leaving those people behind the dam….as exposed for who they are in reality..

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