Real Media Blocks Obama’s Attempt at Plunging Nations Into WW3

StoryLeak – by Anthony Gucciardi 

The real media that has now emerged in the place of the depleted mainstream media machine has successfully blocked plans by Obama and his handlers to plunge the international community into a hot World War 3 scenario, and top advisers are on record admitting it.

In a truly powerful augmentation of history, spreading the word over staged events like the Syrian chemical attacks has ultimately forced the Obama administration and its affiliates to push back their plans to launch military action. Action in Syria that, as admitted by the mega media, has much more to do with instigating a hot war with Russian forces who continue to back Assad. Ultimately, by disseminating this information to what amounts to millions worldwide, we have also delivered talking points and analysis to prominent figures like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan.

In what amounts to both a heavy responsibility and massive reach, these top analysts were going on record highlighting the same points that I have been covering since the onset of the Syrian madness. Articles that have been shared like wildfire throughout social media and uniquely viewed by several millions. And the decomposing mainstream media simply can’t figure out how it’s done. I have had mainstream journalists inquire as to how we can actually influence history, policy, headlines around the world, through platforms like Storyleak.


The answer, quite simply, is that we are now the only media. There’s no longer the need to play into the psychological minefield of labeling certain sources ‘alternative news’ when we can go back to leading Gallup polls and show that virtually no one trusts the mainstream media. And that’s bad news for the 6 corporations that own 90% of the mainstream media.

There’s a reason that former US National Security Adviser and Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski says that there is a ‘global political awakening’ placing a wrench in the wheel of the war machine. And quite frankly, we are driving that wrench harder than ever into the tank of the warmongering elite. As a result, they are becoming desperate and resorting to censoring real journalism through ‘defining’ what a journalist is. But the fact is that as long as we continue to found the alarm, we will continue to see massive victory across the board.

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3 thoughts on “Real Media Blocks Obama’s Attempt at Plunging Nations Into WW3

  1. It is a ruse… not an alternative media victory. The war hawk’s fallback plan will now create another false flag and blame it on anyone they wish to invade. It has always been the motus operandi of TPTB.

    Will the Americans as well as citizens in the World community get suckered into believing the lies of another 911 event? Most likely, the answer to this question would be: NO. However, would World opinion make a difference after the dust settles from another false flag, any more than it did after 911? The answer to this question shall also be NO because this false flag will lead to a World War regardless of the dissenting opposition.

    The request of Ron Paul for civil, peaceful dissent has also past the point of effectiveness. TPTB are reading from a script, and the actors are being directed by Central Banks. As it is in any dramatic movie, there are villains and saviors. TPTB need to entertain the 99% of non-elitists, with a provision of hope for peace.

    We would not be hosting Russians soldiers on USA soil, sending manufacturing jobs to China, or supplying weapons of mass destruction to the alleged perpetrators of 911 (al qaeda), if they were all our “supposed” enemies. This is why history is vital in uncovering the acts of the World Revolutionary Movement. After time has removed the witnesses of a past event, we are left with a pin of truth buried in a steaming pile of disinformation. History is imbibed with lies written by the victors of conquest… revisionist history is ridiculed as a blasphemy or a conspiracy theory.

    I’m all for alternative media, but sometimes they take themselves too seriously. Case in point: that alternative media’s influence can affect/prevent the course of an imminent World War. TPTB have contingency plans for any problem which may ensue; however, any option they use will be worse than the alternative of a World War. It’s quite presumptuous to claim victory, in a Catch-22 scenario.

      1. If TPTB cannot control the World and decrease unwanted populations through war, then they will go to Plan-B. The Georgia Guidestones should clue you into that Plan… but you will have to use your imagination to determine how they will make that happen.

        “Maintain the World’s population under 500 million”. I read this to mean that an event may plunge the world’s population below 500 million and, afterward, the survivors should strive to not exceed a World population of 500 million. This entire matter is out of our hands, and we can do nothing to stop it… so, don’t worry about it.

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