A happy Shana Tova to all the Jewish communities worldwide

Sep 17, 2020

A happy Shana Tova to all the Jewish communities worldwide!

This is not the normal Shana Tova that we know because of corona. We can’t embrace one another, we can’t all crowd the synagogues on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. We have to act in a careful manner.

But there is also extraordinary news this year, because we are starting it with two peace treaties that Israel has signed today, that I signed here in Washington, with the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain, with the auspices of President Trump of the United States. This is fabulous news, because it’s changing our world, because it took us 26 years to go from the second peace treaty that Israel had with an Arab state to the third, and it took us all of 29 days to get from the third and fourth.

This gives us wonderful blessings for peace for the new year—a blessing of hope, a blessing of friendship, a blessing of peace, and it augers well for the people of Israel and for the State of Israel.

Shana Tova to all of you!

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