A Message From Federal, CCI, Speer And Remington President Jason Vanderbrink On Ammo Demand

Dec 18, 2020
We know, ammo seems hard to come by right now. But rest assured, we are building and shipping more and more every day—right here in the USA. Check out this video for more details.

6 thoughts on “A Message From Federal, CCI, Speer And Remington President Jason Vanderbrink On Ammo Demand

    1. Especially the Covid Machine. THAT’S the most important one to ALWAYS mention and make sure that a 24/7 hammering is STILL NOT ENOUGH! Every alt-news site does the same; the pandemic. The pandemic. The pandemic…..

      What ‘pandemic’? In 12 months I know of 3 PEOPLE who caught ‘a little something’. That’s it. A couple days in bed and they were up and going again.

  1. He’s a lying shack of dung .. when you talk to the retailers and even the internet buying sources you’ll get a hole different story .. They just plain are not getting the shipments and never know when they will.

    1. Yep
      And a lot of our old time gun and Ammo companies have been sold out
      Due to bullshit fake bankruptcies
      So anti- gun venture capitalists can get their hands on them and start backing down on ammunition and firearms to we the people
      This guy is a complete POS

      Wait until you take the time to see who’s money is doing this

  2. What’s this stupid lying fuks excuse going to be next year ?

    Same shit I’m sure

    His math is flawed too
    Because not every one of those purchasers were “ new gun buyers “ and we know it

  3. We’re paying for ALL of it and getting NONE of it.

    It’s time WE “donate” the ammo we DO have to them via high speed express.

    This arsehole is holding out on US while arming our enemy. He will be tried and sentenced accordingly m

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