A4 / V2 Rocket in detail: Turbopump

Published on Jul 3, 2019

The A4 / V2 turbopump: part 1. If the V2 rocket could be said to have a beating heart, it would undoubtedly be the 600 horsepower steam turbine-powered twin propellant pump system.

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Starting in 1935 the project to develop the V2 turbopump was one of a handful of key technologies that made the ballistic missile a possibility. Even today, the turbopump remains a key technology that enables liquid-fuelled rocket engines to develop the thrust needed to reach orbit.

In this comprehensive video, we look at the steam turbine-powered propellant pumps of the infamous V2 rocket – the world’s first ballistic missile and the first human-made object to enter the realm of space beyond 100km altitude.
The video looks initially at the general form of the steam turbine and two independent centrifugal pumps and the location of the pump assembly on the missile before moving on to a detailed look at an original V2 turbopump on display in Peenemünde – the place of its birth. We answer the question: why do we need a turbopump?
We look at the German army history of the turbopump and the vital role played by civilian contractors, not just in the manufacturing supply of the propellant pumping system – but in its development as well.
The video takes a detailed look at the Helmut Walter steam generator – the system that supplied the energetic stream of super-heated steam to the turbine wheel to power the twin pumps and deliver over 8 tons of fuel and liquid oxygen to the thrust chamber in a little over a minute! The simple and powerful monopropellant chemistry used by the steam generator also comes in for close scrutiny with a detailed, and safe, test of the method used (safe, but not without mishap and humour). With a detailed explanation of the unique two-stage launch system that relied on the turbopump for its success.

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