America: Land of the drugged, home of the medically enslaved

AmericaNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

In case you haven’t noticed, a grand delusion has bewitched the United States, where constant pro-USA rhetoric and gooey sentiments about being fortunate enough to live in “the greatest country on Earth” have blinded many Americans from recognizing and acknowledging the reality staring them in the face: that society is crumbling at an unprecedented rate and that the country has been taken over by crooks and lunatics who are robbing the people blind and stealing their livelihoods with little resistance.  

Widespread obesity, chronic illness, rampant government corruption, an increasingly oppressive police state — these and many other characteristics of societal decay in America are all around us, and worsening by the day, and yet millions of people are blissfully living their mundane lives as if nothing is wrong. They apparently haven’t been following any of the trends showing that America is now the fattest, sickest and arguably the most naive nation on the planet.

“The reality is that the United States is in a deep state of decline, and it is getting harder to deny that fact with each passing day,” wrote Michael Snyder in a recent report about the subject on “Mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially we are a train wreck.”

America: the fattest, sickest nation on the planet

Citing recent Gallup-Healthways poll data, Snyder explains that, when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, Americans are dead last in the developed world. Only one U.S. state, it turns out, Montana, currently has an obesity rate under 20 percent, while 11 states currently have an obesity rate exceeding 30 percent. Meanwhile, the national obesity average increased from 26.2 percent in 2012 to 27.1 percent in 2013.

With obesity comes poor health, which often manifests itself as heart disease, diabetes and early death. This helps explain why the U.S. spends far more money per capita on healthcare than any other nation in the world — average healthcare costs for an obese person are over $1,300 more annually compared to the costs for a non-obese person.

Land of the drugged, home of the slaves

Let’s face it: Honest information about health is hard to come by in America, at least from conventional sources. The mainstream media is too busy promoting pharmaceutical interests with its advertising to teach people about how to truly eat healthy — yes, saturated fats are good for you and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) should be avoided like the plague — which is why nearly 70 percent of the country is currently taking at least one prescription drug.

“Americans spend more than 280 billion dollars on prescription drugs each year,” writes Snyder. “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, doctors in the United States write more than 250 million prescriptions for antidepressants each year. … Children in the United States are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants than children in Europe are.”

America also holds the title for incarcerating the largest percentage of its own people, often for the pettiest of crimes. Based on the latest available data, about 715 people out of every 100,000 are currently being held in prison cages across the country — Russia, on the other hand, which is constantly being demonized by the American media, has an incarceration rate of 584 people per 100,000.

America has the highest incarceration rate and the largest total prison population in the entire world by a wide margin,” adds Snyder. “In America, we even put 81-year-old women in prison for feeding the birds.”

You can read Snyder’s full list of facts about America’s demise here:

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7 thoughts on “America: Land of the drugged, home of the medically enslaved

  1. Darn right we can’t get honest info about health in the MSM!

    Starting with…. obesity is not the cause of “poor health.” It is one of the EFFECTS.

    We blame people for their fatness, and that commits two errors. First, blame doesn’t help solve the problem (it makes it worse actually), and second, the fatness is not the cause of the problem. Putting the wrong things into our bodies is the cause of the problem, and obesity is a giant red flag symptom! But no…. can’t tell the truth…. there is too much profit in lying and misleading everyone.

    Back to blame because I don’t want to shift focus away from that. It really is important. Blaming and shaming really is part of the psy-op to cover up the truth. So long as the focus is on the fault of the obese person (whether it is termed a genetic metabolism problem, a willpower problem, an ignorance problem, a gluttony problem, a poverty problem), rather than where the fault really lies (the deceivers who mix truth with confounding lies and make it very hard for most people to know what the truth is), our population will get sicker and sicker. And not understand why. And point fingers at themselves and each other, a giant unproductive distraction from finding a real solution. It is also part of the distraction plan of pitting groups against one another….

  2. Very true EE. North Americans spend the most money, by far, on health care than any other country in the world, but remain the people with more health issues than anybody else.
    Prisons are privately run, they are a business. Enough said.

    1. Right, and so many folks are brainwashed into believing they “need” health insurance because of their chronic conditions or just in case, or whatever, when the truth of the matter is, most conditions can be prevented or cleared up cheaply through changing one’s diet and mindset and approach to healing (this includes many “emergencies” too).

      In my view, there is absolutely no good excuse for the outrageously high cost of emergency medicine and regular medicine and pharmaceuticals. But the first step in all this is getting everyone to “consent” to this system through causing them to believe they “need” it. To discredit “alternatives” and cast doubt fear in the minds of the people.

      My individual health insurance is of a rather moderate cost as insurance goes, and it runs $530 a month! For a perfectly healthy person who doesn’t go to the doctor! (mind you, this is the cost of the “insurance” not the cost of any “care”). I am someone who knows how to take care of herself. Why is it that this is the best “choice” available to me and I’m supposed to feel good about it? Oh…. I know….

      1. Wow more than $6,000.00 a year, what a rip off. I agree 100% with you, the high cost is artificial. Also they can’t put a “copyright” on the alternative/natural remedies, so as you say they work hard to discredit them.
        People have been healing themselves, with them for hundreds of years.

      2. Also after the outrageous fees we are charged for “insurance” be it health, home or auto, when time comes to claim, they most always try to weasel out and come up with various excuses not to pay.
        Always remember the “golden rule” of insurance policies : ” The bold print giveth, the fine print taketh away”

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