Beaumont ISD officer placed on leave after student’s arm breaks while being restrained after fight

Courtesy: Facebook12 News – by Jared Hinson

12News has learned that an officer with the Beaumont Independent School district has been placed on administrative leave without pay following an incident at West Brook High School in which a student’s arm was broken.

BISD Police Chief Clydell Duncan says Officer Steve Rivers was placed on leave following an investigation of the incident.  

The incident happened Friday March 7 on campus. Cell phone video surfaced Monday, March 17 showing the officer trying to break up a fight between two students. Duncan says his department started investigating March 7 after the incident happened.

Parents tell 12News the video clearly shows the male officer breaking the student’s arm while the student is on the ground.

We have contacted BISD spokesperson Nakisha Myles.  She told us, “The district is reviewing the complaint.”

7 thoughts on “Beaumont ISD officer placed on leave after student’s arm breaks while being restrained after fight

  1. Not only should this cop be fired but he should be brought up on assault and batery charges because he did break this kids arm. Yea, this pig needs to be locked up for a while. Any one else would be sittingi n jail or prison breaking bones like this cop did.

  2. Look at the size of him. He should have been placed on administrative leave long ago just for spending all day stuffing doughnuts into his face.

    All he would have to do is roll over on the kid and he’d break a lot more than an arm.

    1. Cops have no regard for your rights, display no respect for the people who have granted them what little authority they do have. Put a weight limit on doughboy and watch the lawsuits fly.

  3. I have to admit, that immediately calmed down the out-of-control animal. Not justifying the officer’s over-zealous restraint, but I am saying that these animals are irrational and have no self-control. If a danger now, are an even bigger issue when fully grown. This is regardless of the race. It is a culture problem that stems from poor education and bad parenting.

  4. yes it does show that he turned it till it stopped, then backed off a tiny bit, and pushed it way past the normal stopping point clearly breaking it ! and he is HUGE compared to the skinny kid. There was already another officer ontop of the kid, so there was no reason for him to even be handling the kid at all ! CLEAR AND OBVIOUS POLICE BRUTALITY done in a very intentional manner !

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