Peacekeepers from the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) (In French : FINUL) take part in the annual Bastille Day military parade on the Champs-Elysees in Paris July 14, 2012. AFP PHOTO / BERTRAND GUAYBERTRAND GUAY/AFP/GettyImages
If Americans really understood what’s going on behind the scenes, and learned that our own
has agreed to allow the UN military to take over “in the Event of Civil Unrest,” they’d be petrified!
With all the revelations of corruption and lawlessness perpetrated on innocent citizens by our own federal government, is it any wonder that it’s very easy now to see that these issues are no longer “conspiracy theories?”
Antifa, the conspiratorial wing of the CIA, the cover up mechanisms of the FBI, the Clinton Foundation, ISIS, MS-13, the Paddock family, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, AG Jeff Sessions, VP Mike Pence, George Soros and his communist front groups (eg, BLM), CALEXIT (eg California Gov. Jerry Brown, various drug cartels, the Mexican Consulate, George Soros, the Bank of China, the
United Nations,
La Raza, et al), former President Obama, Hillary Clinton, HSBC Bank, 80 Federal legislators who belong to Communist and Muslim Brotherhood front groups (eg. Franken, McCain, Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer, Waters, Warren, K. Harris, etc.), James Comey, Robert Mueller, the Chinese government, the Russian government, and individual nations (eg Norway) of the UN Peacekeeping forces) and many others are ALL of the same mind and goal. One World government. New World Order…
They’re all active and dedicated participants in the plot to destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States and replace it with a brutal totalitarian government complete with UN troops on our streets and FEMA re-education camps.
The MSM (Main Stream Media) (eg. CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CBS) admits what the Independent Media has been telling an ignorant
for years!
Fox News reported this story when NONE of the MSM outlets would.
“UNITED NATIONS – The United States is announcing its support for a set of principles that give a green light for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts.
U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power told a high-level U.N. meeting recently focusing on the responsibility to protect civilians that the United States was “proud” and “humbled” to join 28 other countries that have pledged to abide by the 18 pledges.
U.N. peacekeepers from these 29 countries are now required to act in cases where civilians are in danger.
“The Kigali Principles are designed to make sure that civilians are not abandoned by the international community again,” she said, recalling how U.N. peacekeepers left Rwanda before the 1994 genocide and Srebrenica before the 1995 massacre.” (We’re being compared to a country that was in a brutal civil war.)
The UN is not coming to an unsuspecting America, they are already here. They’re waiting for just enough chaos to break out to justify taking over the country.
No doubt, there will be people that say “Fox didn’t say that UN troops are coming to America.”
Try and answer this question: “When Antifa is successful in using its new-found allies from MS-13 and ISIS, as well as the other groups to carry out unlimited Las Vegas style attacks, and worse, what is the UN going to do?
By policy they’re going to bring their 28 nation peace-keeping forces to America. Oh wait, they’re already here and many in Independent Media have been reporting on it for years!!
Let’s be very clear about this… The Deep State has succeeded in lining up unlimited funding and willing participants in bringing in this nightmare to America. It’s already started.
Our government has sold us out and has agreed to let the blue helmets take over this country on a set of contrived consequences promulgated by the left.
The UN Takeover of America Was Rehearsed Under the Obama Administration:
While some were busy watching CNN, this is what happened under our noses during the two years of Jade Helm drills (ie JH 15 and JH 16).
The declaration of the United States government, as published on Fox News on October 29, 2017, is merely the legitimization of what has already happened.
Dave Hodges published warnings in regard to the 2014 Central American illegal alien invasion where DHS and the UN were commanding Border Patrol personnel to admit MS-13 into the interior of the United States. The operation was so bold that at one of its headquarters, Congressman Jim Bridenstine was refused entry into Ft. Sill when he went to investigate.
Foreign troops were training at known FEMA camp locations such as Camp Grayling in Michigan. Dave published pictures of UN vehicles on American soil, repeatedly and as late as this Fall.
In 2016, Dave Hodges published the following: Camp Grayling is a FEMA camp facility in Grayling, MI., and was the sight of martial law training for the Michigan National guard which began on July 15, 2015, during the Jade 15 Operation. This facility also houses hundreds of UN military vehicles.
The foreign troops training at the FEMA Camp facility, Camp Grayling, are clearly UN troops who are undoubtedly training for the inevitable.
Obama’s July 1, 2016 executive order read as this:
“United Nations “peacekeepers” may soon arrive and see action on American soil following the United States’ announcement of support for “a set of principles that give a green light for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts,” Military Times.”
The videos are of the Multi Million Dollar Urban Assault “Village” located on the Camp Grayling Reservation way out in the middle of nowhere. This is not the Middle East Assault Village also located on the reservation….it’s the USA Village, Church, Post Office, Bank and every building found in Small Town USA.
To see how real the village is: Do a Youtube Search… “OP Blacksheep @ Camp Grayling,” You can see some of the actual buildings.
An eyewitness account stated, “The “Prison Camp” was upgraded with new Buildings and a Communications Tower; Military Tour Guide says “AT&T Tower.” Yeah right… just happens to be right on the front gate of a Prison Training Facility.”
Bottom-line is the govt is dumping millions of dollars into this Camp Grayling, to include many-many new barracks buildings. This is where the troops that were training stayed in the summer of 2016.
“WNEM TV in Michigan ran a story in which they noted that 3,000 Polish troops were training in the area. We’ve seen live combat drills in Flint, Michigan complete with explosions and troop movements.
In fact, The Common Sense Show has produced documentation that could fill a book with regard to foreign troop activity on American soil.”… In May (2015), Dave received and published information from trusted sources, that 36,000 Turks assigned to NATO were in the process of being sent to a variety of Texas bases… He’s also covered the fact that thousands of Danish soldiers trained at Camp Grayling in April (2015).
Paul Martin, a guest on the CSS has repeatedly stated that Turk soldiers have been reported in Northern Colorado. Dave and Paul have spent many hours exposing all the foreign and UN troops in Northern Colorado and in Southern Wyoming (eg Rawlins, WY).
Paul has Russian intelligence officers looking for him now and may be in grave danger. Paul shared this frightening event with Dave Hodges.
These men were from Russian intelligence and were in uniform. The intent was obviously to intimidate and to basically announce “we are here, and there is nothing you can do about it, so shut up!”
The takeover of America has been well-rehearsed and has been underway for years: Dave Hodges published the following on May 18, 2015.
The Army has been diligently training to lock the country down into martial law. Specifically, I am referring to the Army’s building of a ‘fake” $96 million dollar Northern Virginia town which is being used to train the military to enforce martial Law. Of course, the government says that this is a foreign town being used to train our troops to occupy.
We also hear this same worn out argument about Jade Helm training, that “we are training for the Middle East.”
Does the following video look like the Middle East to you, or does it look more like Mainstreet America? If Jade Helm was truly training for the Middle East, then someone needs to explain why the town has a Christian church, handicap parking spots, Washington DC subway logos, loading zone signs and road signs in English.
I don’t remember seeing pictures of the streets of Damascus in which they display handicap parking signs and have a bunch of Christian churches.
A picture is worth a thousand words as you’ll see in the following video.
As far back as 2011, Sherrie Wilcox of Knoxville,TN. has seen and photographed DHS armored vehicles with Russian soldiers manning the vehicles in eastern Tennessee and Western Kentucky.
Hodges says he could “fill a book” with examples of UN/Foreign troops on American soil.
These three examples are merely preparatory background material in order to lay the groundwork for the latest example of UN/Foreign troops on American soil.
The Fox News story belongs in a history book, not reported as “recent news.” The UN is here on American soil and they have very bad intentions.
The stories and reports are rushing in and they serve to further validate what we’ve known for a long time, namely, bad-intentioned UN troops are poised for the takeover.
A recent Q Alert posted on Steve Quayle’s website, stated that the United Nations is preparing for exactly what I’ve written about in this article.
“This doesn’t come from a high level source, just an everyday “average Joe.” But a guy who works in the same industry, that always gave me a hard time about the “tin hat-stuff,” recently returned from a Great Divide Concert at which time a gentleman just passing by, stopped to mingle with this group of people. They had a couple of drinks, and this guy states, he likes America, he likes the people. He wished he could dance like, the Americans. Laugh.”
He states he had been fighting beside US troops over the past 6-7 years. And this is why I feel I need to tell someone over here in the states a lil something. He said he was from Norway. And he would be back in 3-4 months as a part of UN troops. He said there was nothing he could do. But felt compelled that he needed to say something, just to let such good people know what’s coming. He said that they were going to be going door to door taking guns, or shooting to kill. They already had the lists of names, and addresses.
I have no reason to not believe the words from this acquaintance. It actually pretty much freaked him out. He is rather overwhelmed from the conversation.
The players are in place and they’re awaiting their predetermined signal. The plan is simple, yet comprehensive and relentless. The subversive groups plan to create as much chaos as possible. The stage has been set for UN intervention. Gun confiscation will be the first order of business.
Ask yourself, what do you think they’re going to do to the members of the Independent Media? Gun confiscation will be followed by FEMA camp incarceration for “at risk people.”
The day is coming when the United Nations will take over America and lock down this country like an invading enemy! All permitted by the real traitors of America!
Feelin friskey … well do ya?
THE FIRST BLUE HELMETS I SEE, ACTING AS A POLICE FORCE IN MY REGION WILL BE FIRED ON. I am a former U.S.Army soldier of ten years, and a Military Policeman for a time. THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN ON MY WATCH. I may be old but I shoot much straiter now and never miss. YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK, TELL THEM TO BRING THEIR OWN BODY BAGS.
Hard to imagine anyone saying to me, “We are here, and there is nothing you can do about it, so shut up!” Oh yeah, nothing I can do? Just watch me. Bye.
What do they think we’re just gonna sit by casually and allow this?
And I don’t like that we have Q given as a source here. Is 4-D Chess really just Chinese Checkers?
And on the guy from Norway, seemingly with a conscience:
“He said he was from Norway. And he would be back in 3-4 months as a part of UN troops. He said there was nothing he could do. But felt compelled that he needed to say something, just to let such good people know what’s coming. He said that they were going to be going door to door taking guns, or shooting to kill. They already had the lists of names, and addresses.”
There’s nothing he can do?!!! How about he stops serving the enemy and he stops taking his paycheck from there? If he REALLY recognizes the horror, how about he joins free humanity and starts fighting for the right side? It’s like he’s saying, “Look, I know you’re innocent, but I’m taking you’re rights anyway and throwin’ you in jail.” Do me no favors, buddy. You’re not only a brick in the wall, you keep fortifying it and building it higher. And we didn’t need your warning. We know what’s out there and believe me, there IS something we can do about it.
“He said that they were going to be going door to door taking guns, or shooting to kill. They already had the lists of names, and addresses.”
I cant wait , and so, what if many of us are 400 to 700 yards away from that address just waiting for your arrival
this isn’t going to go like your brainwashers told you , and dyin aint much of a living son, but if you feel you need to you just go right a head
You brought this to mind:
Remember the thermal suit
Get ready to pull the trigger on some blue hats
What happened to , We are a nation of laws B.S.?
If we see Blue Helmets in our neighborhood, we will shoot them, because they are invaders. If we see them here we’ll know that the traitors in the DemonRat Socialism party had a hand in designating them as our law enforcement, which will also designate them as our enemy. If you see a blue helmet shoot them. Also we are asking all patriots to stand up for Donald Trump and converge on the capital to fee him from the hands of psychopaths with an axe to grind. This criminal act against Trump by our government is an act of war against the people, and we’ll have none of it.
You’re asking people to stand up for a liar and a traitor?!! He infringed on our 2nd Article rights and our Due Process rights. He called himself “chosen” and “The King of Israel.” He broke his promise to secure the border. He advised us to “Take the vaccine.” And many say he abandoned those who trusted him and believed in him. Besides that, voting is rigged. And there’s no left/right. They all serve the same zio-god. None is advancing our Bill of Rights which is our way out of tyranny.
Promises, promises:
Trump had his chance and America was locked down and force injected with a death vax while being led into a Jan.6 trap. He’s no savior.
Thanks Galen Right on target!! She is a person that has the ability to say it like it really is!!! No sugar coated BS!! Take care make everything count … the clocks running down….
Thanks, Ken. There are a few images in the vid below that do not match with freedom, but here is a mighty song for you ’bout old Tom Paine, one of the betters of the founders. He did not like, and was ever suspicious of aristocracy. He never owned slaves, and fought vehemently against that abhorrent practice. Hope you enjoy the song, and I guess he taught us to never underestimate what a few pamphlets can do. 🙂
And here are the lyrics:
As I dreamed out one evening
By a river of discontent
I bumped straight into old Tom Paine
As running down the road he went
He said, “I can’t stop right now, child
King George is after me
He’d have a rope around my throat
And hang me on the Liberty Tree”
And I will dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance in the oldest boots I own
To the rhythm of Tom Paine’s bones
I will dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance in the oldest boots I own
To the rhythm of Tom Paine’s bones
“I only talked about freedom
And justice for everyone
But since the very first word I spoke
I’ve been looking down the barrel of a gun
They say I preached revolution
Let me say in my defense
That all I did wherever I went
Was to talk a lot of common sense”
And I will dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance in the oldest boots I own
To the rhythm of Tom Paine’s bones
I will dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance in the oldest boots I own
To the rhythm of Tom Paine’s bones
Well, Old Tom Paine he ran so fast
He left me standing still
And there I was, a piece of paper in my hand
Standing at the top of the hill
It said, “This is the Age Of Reason
These are The Rights Of Man
Kick off religion and monarchy”
It was written there in Tom Paine’s plan
And I will dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance in the oldest boots I own
To the rhythm of Tom Paine’s bones
I will dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance in the oldest boots I own
To the rhythm of Tom Paine’s bones
Old Tom Paine, there he lies
Nobody laughs and nobody cries
Where he’s gone or how he fares
Nobody knows and nobody cares
But I will dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance in the oldest boots I own
To the rhythm of Tom Paine’s bones
I will dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance to Tom Paine’s bones
Dance in the oldest boots I own
To the rhythm of Tom Paine’s bones
Thanks, Hal. Good song. Myself, I’m fighting with old catholic guilt, that the mess is partially my fault, that if I just did better in life I’d see improvement in the world and maybe tyranny would be defeated. Maybe I’m like the kid who brings home his report card with 10 A’s and one F and his daddy can only see the F and so the kid starts to focus on the F, and the A’s can’t do enough to make him believe their worth in him not getting ALL F’s. Guess this is a”fighting my demons” moment. Still, we do what we can, right? But maybe we have to do more than we THINK we can!! Maybe.
I only don’t know what I haven’t learned yet. But…
“It’s not a safe position, keeping your counsel and your head down. It’s the most dangerous thing you could do.”
— Dr Mike Yeadon
Don’t let it get you down, sis.
They are good at what they do
Do like me
Throw it on the ground and piss on it. 🙂
That Chune wasn’t directed at you my friend
Just a Chune I’d forgotten about and wanted to share.
I will take your recommendation. And to hell with them!!
The song, it’s a good, strong song, and no, I didn’t take it personally. I just took it as true and motivational.
Goodness, I’m ever grateful for The Trench.
The numbers are against them.
100+ million gun owners with 700 million guns.
Marxist utopian dream.
Notice the big push for gun CONTROL?
Say When.
All politicians are globalist puppets and members of the “uniparty” which is also full of rino’s. Voting has been useless for sometime and people need to focus in preps and family security.
Forearmed, I think you need some proper lessons on who your government really is. Boy, when you actually learn something, will you ever feel like the kind of stupid ass Trumptard who fell for the big, fat, 2 party bird who shits Trump out of the same asshole as all the “psychopaths with an axe to grind.”
The Grand Cheeto is not here to save anything but his own ass , also a traitor to we the people and this Republic ..there is no savior for you, unless you see one in the mirror every morning.. like some of us
“Grand Cheeto”.
Cheese Puff La Grande
I’m old. Let’s do this!
We have a government here?!
That’s news to me.
And all this time I thought we were occupied by the enemy.
Silly me
For you clueless and spineless Americans, this is what your ignoring your duty to form Militias has brought us.
And most of you are so dumbed down that you still don’t see it……
I do not agree with your stance. Any organization of a militia will be targeted easily and made an example of. Just a stupid Game Waste of time and resources!!! We are the fckg LAW Read your Bill of Rights and become the LAW!! You ask people to waste their resources and join .who?? … Security brings strength. We will have our time and We will be strong and they cant win… Nukraine or any other fckg coutry that thinks it can invade including Israhell!!!! HOW MUCH HAVE THEY TAKEN FROM YOU?? They can just start paying back what has been stolen!!!!! When think they can waltz onto your property LOOKIN DOWN THE BARREL OF AN AHOLE SHOTGUN!!! They will have seen true MILITIA.
Please define the word “louder” as used in the following context:
I don’t know how this fuc#er got through, I just put him in spam , the fuc#ing retard