9 thoughts on “And Now…Contact Tracing, Military Choke Points and Mandatory Testing or No Food For You

  1. Will disagree with one thing the narrator said @14:20 about the protests because not all the protests were at state capitols begging government to set things right. Some sprung up in home towns just under the banner of “will not comply.” But geez, how do you come back from watching something like this? The ugly keeps worsening. A threat at every corner. Can’t say I’m not without pain about it. Husband and I had to hold onto each other after watching it. Have to transform the pain to rage and the rage to courage.


    1. All of this is very scary, very scary, said Tim to Harry.

      This is f-king bullshit. This isn’t going to happen.
      Because we are not going to let it. You see we have to lay down our arms and get down on our knees rather than attack and kill for any of this shit to mean anything.
      Withhold food?
      Who is going to be willing to die to withhold it?
      Snitches in ditches.
      Baseball bats for rats.
      And bullets for the rest of the criminals.
      I love it when they tell me what is going to happen. Well I tell you between the idea and the reality lies the shadow, wherein lies not but death and destruction, ropes and hatchets, knives and guns, and a huge base of people who don’t just roll over and die because some pencil neck spineless parasitic pedophilic punk pr-k tells them they have to.
      Like everything else, I say to those who made this video, you are not scaring anybody who hasn’t already shit out their spine, and they are but few and we are the many.

  2. The governor of Commiefornia is a piece of shit, not only for being a communist. But a lying communist.

    There is no epidemic except for the one in this SOBs mind. Dont you think its time to get it on?

    Can you believe a punk like Bill Gates got away with this?. Can you guys believe its come this far?

    Our lives have definitely changed forever unless we stop this. How do so many punks have so much power?

    Answer. Because we let them..

  3. This dude says this is what’s coming if we don’t do this or that, but does not mention using arms against the freaks.
    I’m sick of even watching these protest/rallies now, even though orders are being disobeyed. To much talk of taking back our rights “peacefully.”

    1. Never gave any mind to the Oathkeeper/Three Percenter talking heads for the Libertarian Party Incorporated.
      It is the people on the streets, beaches, and at their businesses that are the true patriots just defying as it forces the hand of the dictator, which is a regress and an absolute indication of loss of control. As the defiance grows the tyrant will have to squeeze and that is what needs to happen. Once the people become pissed enough they will slap the Libertarians out of the way and do that which needs to be done.
      At least that is what I am seeing.

  4. Yeah, Katie. And I did hear him give 10 seconds for self-defending. Vague as it was, it’s @15:45 -15:50. He manages to say: “I hope you have some protection to say no,” but that was it.

    Everybody is putting the puzzle together with different pieces; that’s why we catch things that are off. But when the puzzle is complete it spells out:


    Gettin’ everybody on that page clarifies the mission.


  5. Just sayin’, The Corbett Report logo was in the documentary Out of Shadows as an MSM news site, along with all the biggies. It was quick on the screen, but unmistakable. Another controlled opposition.

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