And the winners of the CB radios are…….

Jolly Roger wins the 1st prize of the brand new Midland 40 channel handheld CB radio.

Ellen S. wins the 2nd prize of the refurbished Midland 40 channel handheld CB radio.

Congratulations! Thank you to all who contributed and to Mark Schumacher for sponsoring the drawing.

12 thoughts on “And the winners of the CB radios are…….

    1. Congrats on the radio win kids!!! Thanks Mark for the donation.Not to sound politically correct or anything but we are all winners just having access to this site.

  1. Hey Jolly Roger and Ellen S. So glad you guys won. Now you have alternative communication when things go hot. 😎

    1. yes, and I’m a hermit, so I probably won’t even use the thing until things do get hot, but communications will mean the difference between life and death in the near future.

  2. wow — (this event requires an academy award-style speech)

    I’d like to thank Henry & Laura Shivley for creating the internet’s best news site. I’d like to thank Mark Schumacher for donating the radios, and more importantly, his many years of devotion to the cause of liberty, and bringing the truth to Americans. And mostly, I’d like to thank the other participants in the drawing for their generous donations that are crucial to maintaining this lighthouse of truth and American Patriotism.

    Thanks a lot everyone. God Bless the Republic. Sic Semper Tyrannis

  3. Yay! Congratulations J.R. and Ellen!

    J.R., I’m really glad you got one. I know you said you were in need of a new radio. Truth be told, if my name were drawn, I would have had it sent to you. We actually have one, although not the same brand. I’m happy for you!

  4. I really enjoyed doing this for our wonderful site, so much so, that I have told Henry I will continue to sponser great prizes that will complement the outdoor survivalist and more!. Stay tuned for the next contest!

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