Rand Paul: There Has to Be Laws Against What Edward Snowden Did; There Has to Be Some Punishment

Target Liberty – by Robert Wenzel

During a recent interview with Reason magazine Editor in Chief Matt Welch, Rand Paul discussed his thoughts on Edward Snowden and how a Rand presidency would handle the NSA whistleblower’s return.

Bottom line: Rand is a man of the state. He does not meet Murray Rothbard’s measure of solid libertarian as “someone who hates the state.” Indeed, it is clear that Rand wants to see Snowden punished for defying the state.

Explain this one Rand Paul fanboys.



14 thoughts on “Rand Paul: There Has to Be Laws Against What Edward Snowden Did; There Has to Be Some Punishment

  1. FU rand – dump or get off the pot – your not your father – nothing like him save the MD degree. Zio Fck, am I wrong or is he one of the most double speak flip flopping dirt around.

  2. Why you going after your CIA buddy Rand? Snowden is just a good little spook, spooking around like a good spookster does. Following his spooky orders from the same moneychangers you work for Rand.

    Here’s an excerpt from Rand’s script:
    Central Intelligence Agency
    Destruction of America
    Act 3 Scene 7

    Controlled Opposition/Rand Paul: “Snowden’s bad. Mmkay?”

  3. If we were to assume that Snowden weren’t part of the dog-and-pony show, what he did was expose a crime rather than reveal sensitive data, and would only be branded a criminal by those who believe that our government should be above the law.

    I personally believe that Snowden is another hoax, perpetrated to silence political discussion. If he were a genuine “whistle blower” he would have dumped what he knew on the internet, and they would have responded with a hit team and a media blackout.

    Instead he releases documents a little at a time so they can constantly remind you of him, and the whole story has become a mini-drama that convinces people of that their “all seeing eye” actually exists.

    Why does our government hire hackers if they know our every keystroke? One article I read specifically said the government was hiring hackers “to find out who people are on the internet”. Why do they have to set up sting operations to catch internet criminals?

    See what I mean? Something about their all-knowing surveillance powers doesn’t add up.

    1. I have a deep appreciation for people that have the ability to see past the cover and use logic and common sense to distinguish fact from fiction. A rare commodity

    2. Indeed.
      I mean, come on, his handler is non other than mossad agent glen greenwold….of the f%c&ing guardian….from britain, the seat of rothschilds. Nothing he or asange (ghcq…’hiding’ in the ecuadorian embassy..in britain…the seat of rothschild?)

      Nothing damaging to israel, isis never attacking israel.
      Isis defeating the lands of ‘greater israel’, for israel. Could it be more obvious.

      This is how comically low ball they can produce this really bad theater
      because it reflects the low intellect of the sleepy sheepy brought up on tv and plastic toys from china.

      Daniel radcliffe who played harry potter is a ‘jew’ and he could definitely play snowden.

      Have a look:



  4. I agree, there should be a law. A law forcing the government to pay Snowden one thousand dollars a day for life. No one else stepped up to the plate to expose the unbelievable corruption of the NSA. The harm done by these POS, can never be reversed. They can all snort my skivvies.

  5. To me, all these buffoons are nothing more than ” distraction puppets “. Designed to keep the attention of us ” useless eaters ” myopic, like AJ ” funnels “, into this or that meaningless trivial distraction from ” the big picture “. When watching a ping pong game, I prefer to be a spectator as opposed to the ball . . .

    Daddy Ron was controlled opposition in my view. I’d bet baby Rand has the Pope & Nut-N-Hunny’s arse on his tonsils . . . We must remember, ONLY SANCTIONED players star in the corporate charade . . .

  6. Punishment for treason,
    …With a yarmulke
    …bowing to that wall,
    …making sure to sell us out all,
    …it would be a very good thing,
    …to wish you away to the cornfield, wailing wall saul.

    Paul: Proposed a budget in 2011 eliminating foreign aid to Israel
    -netanyahoo calls-
    Saul: Denies he ever proposed eliminating foreign aid to Israel

    Paul: Said he heard of cases where vaccines caused “profound mental disorders”
    -dr goldberg calls-
    Saul: Maintains he didn’t say that vaccines cause disorders. And gets a publicity stunt ‘vaccine’ (probably saline).

    Paul: Said Iran isn’t a threat
    -netanyahoo and adelson call-
    Saul: Signed letter to Iran sponsored by Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., that tried to undercut President Obama’s negotiations with Iran

    You catch the drift….or should i say waft of Bull$hit?


  7. ” Indeed, it is clear that Rand wants to see Snowden punished for defying the state.”

    Defying the state?

    So this has nothing to do with any type of injury to the American people, it’s all about DEFYING THE STATE.

    Who’s yer daddy.

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