Anonymous Hackers Threaten to Release Names of Ku Klux Klan Members

NBC News – by Jon Schuppe

The hacker collective known as Anonymous is threatening to strip anonymity from the Ku Klux Klan.

The vow to post KKK members’ names online marks an escalation in a year-old battle between the two groups, which began during civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri.  

In November 2014, during the wait for a grand jury’s decision whether to indict police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown, the KKK reportedly threatened to attack Ferguson protesters. Anonymous then commandeered a KKK-linked Twitter account and exposed social media accounts it said belonged to KKK members.

Now, nearly a year after the grand jury elected not to indict Wilson, Anonymous wrote in a Wednesday blog post that it “will release, to the global public, the identities of up to 1,000 klan members, Ghoul Squad affiliates and other close associates of various factions of the Ku Klux Klan across the Unites States.”

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