Antifa Goons Go to Sturgis Biker Rally — BIG MISTAKE — Need Police Protection for Their Escape

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

They’re not the smartest bunch.
On Saturday a group of Antifa goons thought it would be a good idea to crash the Sturgis Biker Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota.

This was a big mistake.

The far left anti-police group needed police escort to escape the dangerous situation they created!

At one point a tall Antifa goon with purple hair kicked bike and that’s when all hell broke loose.
The Sturgis bikers erupted and police took the purple haired goon.
The rest of Antifa had to get a police escort to get out of town.

So, what are the chances Antifa thanked the police for saving their lives.

Here is one video of from Sturgis.

Here is another view from Sturgis.

And here is another view of the Antifa incident.

Power Line has more.

Gateway Pundit

6 thoughts on “Antifa Goons Go to Sturgis Biker Rally — BIG MISTAKE — Need Police Protection for Their Escape

  1. Never would have believed it. The bikers have traded their pistols for cell phones. And I saw your Trumptard flag also.
    Correct me if I’m mistaken, but wasn’t that Trump’s hero police guarding the self-proclaimed Marxists?
    This is f-king laughable.

  2. So many good things keep getting polluted. What to expect when the media pours out pollution 24/7. Why is the left/right lie such a hard nut to crack? Oh yeah, the media. How many years has it been being said: “There is no left/right; it’s one bird with two wings?” Still so hard to drive this point home. They are shielding that Bill of Rights like Midas hid and lusted over his gold. They know the value to us. They won’t be able to keep us from our prize much longer. Pollution has a way of affecting everyone around it.


  3. Bikers is getting softer than they used to be cause those kids should not have any teeth left to eat that humble . Too bad the cops didn’t decide to go on a donut run and not see a thing. Oh well..

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