Army document describes technology that can transmit a voice into someone’s head

mind_controlPolice State USA

A declassified Army document titled “Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons” describes a series of technologies that the military has developed, including one with the ability to transfer radio-frequency (RF) energy into a human target.  The energy is perceived by the brain as sounds inside the target’s head as the microwaves are absorbed by the target’s body.  This technology has already been proven capable of carrying modulated frequencies that sound like recognizable speech to the recipient.  If fully developed, such a technology could be a powerful tool — for good, by silently transmit messages to hostages surrounded by captors — or for evil, by driving an unwitting man insane with voices in his head.  Has the U.S. government ever used it?  

The document was declassified in 2006 after a FOIA request.  According to the Army document:

Application of the microwave hearing technology could facilitate a private message transmission. It may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology. Not only might it be disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard “voices within one’s head”. [p.8]

The microwave auditory effect, as it is called, was first noticed by persons working in the vicinity of radar transponders during World War II, in which the subjects reported “hearing” buzzing, ticking, hissing and knocking sounds in their heads, which were not really there.  American researcher Allan Frey first published findings of the effect in 1961, documenting the ability to “hear” RF pulses 100 meters from the transmitter.

1n 1973, American Psychologist, Dr. Don Justesen found in a study that two subjects were able to readily hear and identify single-syllable words, such as counting from one to ten.  As Dr. Justesen described, “The sounds heard were not unlike those emitted by persons with an artificial voice box (Electrolarynx).”   The Army document, written in 1998, acknowledges the technology’s ability to successfully transmit voice annunciations [p.7].  We are unaware of the further advancements in the technology that may have occurred over the past 15 years.

The transmissions can feasibly be delivered at distances of hundreds of meters [p.8], according to the document, but would be more practically be delivered at short ranges.  The RF waves can pass through walls, buildings, or anything that is non-conductive (similar to radio signals). The Army specified a way to counteract the transmission of that the microwave auditory messages: by wearing a metal shield.

“Since the technology utilizes radiofrequency energy, it can be defeated by the use of shielding provided by conductive barriers like metal or a metal screen. [p.6]

The “psychologically devastating” effects of hearing unexplainable clicking sounds or voices your head could conceivably influence a man into taking some action, or perhaps cause him to snap and fall into the realm of insanity.

As I have shown, this is not new technology.  In fact, this may be the original reason that people started advocating for wearing tinfoil hats (in jest).  But has the decades-old technology been developed beyond what we’ve been told from 40 years ago?   Has the U.S. government found a use for this technology via its DARPA program?

While we mull the idea of shielding ourselves from Stephen Hawking’s voice counting inside our skulls, let’s take a look at a recent reference to this technology in the news.

Rewind to August.

A man in Rhode Island reported being the victim of microwave auditory technology.

This man was so distressed from the sounds that he filed a harassment report with the police, saying “that three people were sending vibrations through the ceiling to keep him from sleeping.”  As NBC Newsreported:

Police in Newport, R.I., said that Alexis called them to a Marriott hotel there on the morning of Aug. 7 and reported that he was being followed and was worried that the people were going to hurt him.  Alexis told police that the three talked to him through the walls, floor or ceiling at three hotels — two commercial hotels in Rhode Island and one on a naval base there. He told them that they used a microwave machine to send vibrations and keep him awake.

What an odd thing to allege.  The man had Department of Defense clearance, and did contract work at the Washington Naval Yard.  He told police that he “had never felt anything like this” and feared for his safety.  Here is the police report from August 7:

Aaron Alexis' Aug. 7 police report. (Source: Newport Police Department)

Aaron Alexis’ Aug. 7 police report. (Source: Newport Police Department)

The man was Aaron Alexis, who went on a killing rampage weeks after his report to the police about microwave auditory messages.

In the wake of his destruction, investigators found 2 inscriptions in the wooden stock of his shotgun.   One was “(Better Off This Way)” and the other was “(My ELF)”.  The meaning of these cryptic messages remains unclear, but some have speculated that one may have been related his documented claims of being harassed by radio-frequency manipulation.

As the Los Angeles Times wrote:

The second one, (My ELF), may have been a reference to “extremely low frequency,” and could refer to his belief that someone was penetrating his brain with microwave messages, which he had described to police in Newport, R.I., six weeks ago. 

It is certainly possible, if not likely, that Aaron Alexis was simply a run-of-the-mill violent schizophrenic that preyed on a bunch of disarmed people in a gun free zone.   But the government’s expenditure of billions of dollars on secret weapons research is at least enough reason to pause to ask whether Alexis’ claims of secret manipulation were possible.  It would appear that “possible” is a fair statement to make.

10 thoughts on “Army document describes technology that can transmit a voice into someone’s head

  1. This type of technology does exist.
    For there has been talk of using it at train
    and bus stations to advertise products.
    I wish I could locate that article again.
    For this will assist in proving the
    programming of all, or most, of these
    Voice or command projection, in
    alignment with the mental conditioning
    drugs, would prove beyond a reasonable
    doubt that our enemies are using these tactics
    to convince the public to give up their rights.
    Is it not “Convenient” that shooters appear
    when they do ?

  2. Read “Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance” By Dr. Nick Begich.

    I bought and read the book a year ago. It explains everything on how HAARP can and is most likely being used for Mind Control using microwave frequencies and how it can be easily used to put voices into people’s heads. In addition the waves (if used properly) can be used to cure people without all of those pharmaceutical chemicals and pills (which the pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know) or (in the military’s interest aka the wrong hands) can induce mental illnesses to make people go crazy, hear voices or do suicidal things. It explains all. This is not science fiction, folks. It’s real.

    1. NC,.

      Thank you for sharing such relative and explanatory information. As you say, this stuff does exist and is real.

      Then on the other hand, we have people like Ann Coulter saying people who hear voices, feel microwave attacks, and say they are being followed are, CRAZIER THAN LIBERALS.

      This covert warfare on targeted individuals is also referred to as predatory gang stalking and is a modern method of “Jew baiting,” which was used in Germany to provoke legally protected persons from discrimination into reacting in a retaliatory way.

      This multifaceted assault is what is causing most of these domestic violence incidents which are actually micro false-flag events that sway public opinion to accept the elite globalist (Illuminati) agenda.

      More at my blog, elijah1757

  3. There is definite proof of this technology-we have the crazies like Graham, McCain, Fine Swine, P-Lousy, Reid, etc., etc. These people have got to be hearing voices in their heads, because they sure don’t hear the American nationals’ voices.

  4. tHIS IS important for all

    Talking about voices in the head Doctor’s are giving out sheets asking these questions

    voices in the head
    and many other’s

    Jesses Ventura did a one hour show on HAARP and voice transmissions.SEEMS HAARP was not closed but still operating

  5. this technology and mind control is being used by a devil worshiping cult from veguita new mexico. kevin idler is raping and murdering people and has been for decades. eli nuanez of albq. n.m. a group of individials from the reserve., apache creek. area are also involved in murder. this group of individiuals attempted to murder me in 2014 and 2015.i was surrounded in my camp trlr. at the Mendoza ranch aragon new mexico shot at and gang stalked for 3yrs, now.kevin idler stole my trlr. my wallet, identity and has refiled for my s.s.i. and s.s.d. in new sister bought lot 8 lopez avenue in Socorro county new mex. kevin idler and his gang of devil worshipers has been stalking and killing every individual that moves into this desolate area.,aprox, 6miles east of I-25 on highway 60 headed towards mountainair new mexico. they attempted to kill me the entire yr. of 2014. kevin stole technology from the u.s. army that was in the area.these people must be stopped at all costs. they hacked into my cell phone an repeatedly used my voice to correspond with my family friends as well as girls and people who were friends. they still slander and stalk me everywhere I have resided.kevin idler was blocking my 911 calls as he and his native American friend who lives behind micha villa villiag south of hiway 60.he uses witchcraft and stole my entire medical records for the last 15yrs. of my life.he has a cult that uses google earth to find people on the internet stalks them and uses v2k and nano technology incorporated with witchcraft.this area is known for this and hes the main individual responsiable for many unsolved murder or people disappearing.tthey have someone watchingvia google earth while they stalk places and steal peoples lives they claim land cars boats etc.s.s.i and or other incomes or monies. theres a group of young individiuals one last name najar., and a katrina Martineau a Russian young girl 26yrs. old involved. she needs to be apprehended and questioned about this group who shot at me an surrounded my camp trlr on the Mendoza ranch in aragon new mexico. they stole many valuables and many personal contents inside my trlr. there also was a short haired blonde girl approxiamately 19 yrs.old she drove a blue Suzuki samari 4×4. this gang attempted to murder me for three nights in a row.kevin idler also stole my cell phones that were from the Verizon company.he got into my account on a datesite and attempted to frame me. he also stole my did this cult from reserve new mexico. eli nuanez was and is also involved and also attempted in conjunction with kevin idler to gun me down with two hand guns across the street from the 7/11 off of menaul street. in albq. n.m they poisoned me and attempted to take control of social security checks via my attorney at jeff diamond law firm. they were using voice transcripts and attempting to make my attorneys secretary rose., believe that I had a spending problem. when I was actually left for dead on the street to sleep by dumpsters roofs washes etc. while eli was cashing and using my s.s.i. checks at check cashing centers in n.e.albq. eli poisoned me with a milkshake. he had absolutely no business interveining in my life what so ever. he fraudulently filed for his uncles s.s.i. and got away with it before. his uncles name was max rodriguaz.he also poisoned my sister della hill and threatand to kill her and my brother lawrance as well.della began having heart problems due to what eli nuanez and kevin idler had done to her. eli nuanez hired kevin idler to kill me when I got to lot 8 on lopez ave.socorro county. it was entirely premeditated murder. elis ex wife also died mysteriously and he made her out to appear as she had a drinking problem. eli nuanez and kevin idler are serial killers and must be stopped at all costs. I went to stay for two days to check on my sister della hill and eli attempted to murder mer and had two individiuals climb on the roof and incorporate chemicals and v2k tech and poisond me.long before I ever got to my sisters or even left reserve new mexico. eli had been plotting and attempting to kill me. he was sending illegaly referral after referral to every phsyciactric facility in new mexico., in an attempt to have me diagnosed as delusional so that no one would believe a word that I said.i want kevin idler as well as eli nuanez arrested for premeditated murder. as well as murder of elis ex wife. and my sister della hill. he also illegaly obtained power of attorney over his mother and father in an attempt to put them away in a rest home and keep their s.s.i.checks. he also attempted to get power of attorney over me and act as a payee illegaly.he also put drugs in my food and or gatoraids. illegaly changed my mail address to his home instead of my own. eli nuanez and kevin idler are killing individuals and attempting to cover it up and hide behind a smoke screen of lies an illegaly made up paperwork. I was hunted like an animal on the streets of albq. n.m. shot at and starved with no way to get out except on foot they kept me away from my truck., kevin is a phsycopath that tried to claim my truck and land and all.i want an entire investigation of the things that happened to me and as to why it was allowed. I never had control or was in control of my checks that were issued in new mexico. I know who these individuals are and want each and every one of them arrested for premeditated murder. all the illegal paperwork that eli nuanez and kevin idler made up an went phsycotic faxing and texting all over the state of Arizona and new mexico was merely to block any and all medical care that would prove exactly what they did with every intent of taking my life. these people were relentless and poisoned my water supply in aragon n.m. at the Mendoza ranch. kevin did the same to a cake from wal mart in belen new mex.they shot at me with silencers.,put a rattlesnake inside my camp trlr. twice. and I killed the snakes both times.kevin came after me again at 96 bonita loop in meadowlakes new mex. again.he and his friend jesse were killing every dog in the neighborhood., so that they could attempt to sneak in while I was asleepand kill me. the people that owned th land there witnessed this. the law was called repeatidly they blocked my calls or ficticiously acted as the law via cell phone., diverting my calls to one of there back lines. I did speak with a women sherriff eventualy.kevin an his friend jesse drove up behind a state trooper that was parked and pushed his car over the embankment. all kevin idler was and is attempting to do is set me up now and lie his way out of murder in the first degree. I want him arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law., as well as eli nuanez. they also attempted to take my life using a women that was hired and ficticiously acted as a nurse. pretended to be my nurse and shot me up with a staff infection in 2004.,again kevin and eli used mrsa virus via h20 supply and food in an attempt to kill 2014. the judge in north east albq.and a prosecuting attorney knew absolutely without a doubt that kevin idler and eli were attempting to kill me. the judge wanted me placed in protective custody and I was ordered never to return to veguita new mex., lot 8 on lopez ave.ever again or I may be killed the judge said kevin put a hit out on me and my sister della hill.thats what he does to everyone that moves out there he kills them an gets rid of them then claims everything they own. he studys their entire lives and friends family theres no witnesses ever. everything that I ever owned was stolen by these individuals., clothes personal records, tools chainsaws, generators solar equipment etc.kevin and jesse have been at this for years and everyone out ther know exactly what he does, and its murder.its a devil worshiping cult using mind control to control women and committing murder. these people use moco space on the internet to find there prey. this is why this site is one of the most dangerous sites in the world.kevin idler stold my phones got on mocospace and into my account and began acting as if he were me.i met a cricket Brandon of alto new mexico. we were talking for a couple of months and she wanted me to move in with her in alto n.m.kevin attempted to abduct her and got bit by her dog in the face.he uses mind control and drugs these women to control them.kevin abducted kricket Brandon and raped her in an abandoned home next to 96 bonita loop where my camp trlr, was at. he made her stand in front the window naked breasts facing towards me. that alone says what kind of person kevin is.he threatened to also kill my sister that was or is employed by nations first dental, off of zuni in albq.,n.m. I only pray that my sister della is o.k. I want an extensive investigation done by the government.

    1. please give me further information on kevin i moved to area and was watched today after the jeep left a neighbor came and told me it was kevin idler and to be careful cuz he is thief

      1. A thief, ???? Kevin Idler will spray you in the face knocking you unconscious and murder you. He is the worst kind of serial killer on Earth. And he comes in with a gang of crackheads playing military and using witchcraft. Get out of my advice.

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