Sen. Lindsey Graham to seek authorization for U.S. attack on Iran

Photo - United States Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., answers a question during a news conference in Goose Creek, S.C., on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013. The senator said while South Carolinians and the rest of the nation are weary of war, the situation in Syria demands an American response because events there are linked to the developments in the rest of the Middle East. (AP Photo/Bruce Smith)Washington Examiner – by BYRON YORK

Sen. Lindsey Graham is one of the strongest advocates of an American military strike against the Assad regime in Syria. He was unhappy when President Obama decided to seek congressional authorization for an attack, and then unhappy when his fellow lawmakers voiced disapproval of the president’s plan. Graham believes the diplomatic path chosen by the administration will lead to a debacle.

Given all that, Graham now says he will work with a bipartisan group of senators to craft a resolution authorizing the president to use military force — not against the Syrian regime but against Iran. In an appearance on Fox News’ Huckabee program over the weekend, Graham argued that such a resolution is essential, because American inaction in Syria will encourage Iran to go forward with its nuclear weapon program, eventually leading toward a Mideast conflagration if the U.S. doesn’t intervene.  

“Look how we’ve handled the chemical weapons threat in Syria,” Graham said. “If we duplicate that with the Iranians, they’re going to march toward a nuclear weapon and dare Israel to attack them. So in the next six months, our friends in Israel are going to have to take the Iranians on, unless the United States can send a clear signal to Iran, unlike what we’ve sent to Syria.

“The mixed message and the debacle called Syria can’t be repeated when it comes to Iran,” Graham continued. “So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to get a bipartisan coalition together. We’re going to put together a use-of-force resolution allowing our country to use military force as a last resort to stop the Iranian nuclear program, to make sure they get a clear signal that all this debacle about Syria doesn’t mean we’re confused about Iran.”

After Graham repeated his intention to draft a use-of-force resolution, Huckabee stepped in to make sure everyone understood. “Lindsey, I want to clarify,” Huckabee said. “You actually are going to seek sort of a pre-emptive approval to give the president a loaded weapon so that he feels the absolute freedom and support of a bipartisan Congress to take whatever action, including military, against Iran to prevent them from having nuclear weapons?”

“That’s exactly right,” said Graham.

Graham knows that Congress, particularly the House, was moving strongly against authorizing Obama to use force in Syria. And that was after a chemical weapons attack that clearly violated the president’s “red line” in the Syrian civil war. Given that, congressional authorization for an attack on Iran seems far-fetched at best — a reality Graham seemed to acknowledge. “I’m going to need your help, Mike,” Graham said. “I’m going to need your audience’s help. Every friend of Israel needs to rally behind this endeavor. Israel feels abandoned after Syria, and I want to send a signal to Tehran and Jerusalem and Tel Aviv that we’re not going to leave our friends in Israel behind. And to the ayatollahs: If you march toward a nuclear weapon, all options are on the table, including the military option.”

On Capitol Hill Tuesday, Graham repeated his pledge to seek a use-of-force authorization against Iran, although he sounded a touch less assertive than in his conversation with Huckabee. “I do believe without the threat of credible military force by us, the Iranians are going to just slow-walk,” Graham said, according to an account in the Hill. “So I’m trying to create the dynamic that there is bipartisan support for continued diplomacy, sanctions and the use of force as a last resort.”

9 thoughts on “Sen. Lindsey Graham to seek authorization for U.S. attack on Iran

  1. Let’s not forget to give him a parachute, a backpack fully loaded and a AR 15 fully loaded and tell him have at it. Dontcha just love these slick politicians so willing to kill our children while they grow rich and comfy in that great city of Washington.

      1. Pyschopathic Toilet Bug!!!!!

        Hahahahaha,…. THATS GREAT!!!!

        Another,.. “term of love” for our beloved leaders!

        JD – US Marines – Hmmmmm,.. by my reckoning,… the entire US Gov’t is a bunch of “Pyschopathic Toilet Bugs!”

        1. JD, I don’t know if you remember speaking to me way back via a phone conversation. I so apologize that I didn’t get back to you; I did lose your number…it’s a long story. I was so proud to find out that you are working here with FTT crew as I I love everything about it and the people who get it here. Your voice is now being heard. The facebook page I started is still going on (over 217,000 subscribers) and I have a very simple website now @ It’s getting to be a bit too daunting to keep up, and I don’t know how much longer my mental and physical health can take it. But, I would never sell it or sell out or anything like that …just shut it down. Getting locally involved in poli-tics and getting local is what I’m also doing as I see that as part of a plan??? (at least hoping and dread it), I was very fortunate to have met a young man who is getting off the grid (another solution in humble opinion), and he shares all his information along with someone who I consider the Zionist expert who shares his knowledge on the sheep site. I hope you and the family are doing well. Personally, I realized that I was just another part of the problem giving out by too much information (no solutions) and then my words were getting mean even to my own family. So …I’m attempting to change myself along with learning those natural skills they don’t want us to know or put in action. I will give you my number again if you ever want to chat. I finally was led to some young patriots who are getting it and doing good works and also know technology. I don’t possess those tech skills and hoping you remember that was a part of our previous discussion. Keep speaking in truth. Stay safe and keep up the great work. God Bless!

          Julie Telgenhoff (because all my stuff is out there anyways!!!!)


  2. The loser known as graham is a national embarrassment.
    As bad as slick willy, carter, the “boy”, and many others.
    South Carolina WILL remove him from office.
    He brings shame to all decent folk……………

  3. So! Mr. “Light in the Loafers” wants to have anotha waw. Then we should insist that this girlie man lead the charge. If this girl can pull herself away from the bars and discos of Georgetown long enough let her find a burka that accentuates her features and just take Tehran by storm.

  4. the only reason the USA wants to go to war is to cover Obama’s screw ups

    Forclosure mess
    Communist theories he is pushing on America
    ALL OBAMA’S FAULT for the whole mess since he got in office..

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