Attorney General Sessions to end Obama-era policy that let legal pot flourish

Fox News

Attorney General Jeff Sessions plans to roll back an Obama-era policy that had allowed legal marijuana to thrive without federal intervention, Fox News confirmed Thursday.

The Obama administration back in 2013 announced via a memo from then-Deputy Attorney General James Cole that it would not obstruct states that legalized marijuana, on the condition the drug was not allowed to move to states where it was illegal and it was kept away from children and gangs.   

Sessions is expected to announce that he will rescind that memo and instead leave it to U.S. attorneys in states where the drug is legal to decide to what extent they will enforce federal laws.

The Associated Press reported that the move will likely add to confusion among users and suppliers about whether they can grow, buy and sell marijuana in states — as federal law bans it.

The government regards marijuana as a controlled dangerous substances, grouped together with drugs such as heroin. Sessions has blamed its increased use for spikes in violence in the U.S.

Sessions’ announcement will come just days after California joined states such as Colorado in permitting pot for recreational purposes. The drug will be legal for adults 21 and older, and residents will be allowed to grow up to six plants and possess up to an ounce of marijuana.

Twenty-nine states have adopted medical marijuana laws, while seven other states have legalized the drug for recreational purposes.

Fox News’ Jake Gibson and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

6 thoughts on “Attorney General Sessions to end Obama-era policy that let legal pot flourish

  1. Like anyone has any right to make nature illegal.
    F*%K sessions and the feds.

    May as well shoot any fed trying to supersede state law that’ll end it right there. If they begin to lose people all over it’ll end…it’s what the white christian russians were afraid to do to the ‘jew’ bolsheviks. Only in hindsight did thy realize their mistake.

    Hey a$$hole sessions got the balls to take on the biggest drug-dealers: langley and big pharma…didn’t think so…go crawl under a pile of horse-$hit and die. What a dripping wet shriveled p&$$y.


  2. Oh…thank you Jeff Sessions.

    For saving me from those evil heathen pot heads.

    I feel safer now.

    So I’m going to smoke a bowl.

  3. Sessions has proven time and again he is an unqualified, incompetent moron and a jack boot totalitarian too. Sessions needs to fired immediately.

    1. “fired” isn’t quite the word I was thinking of to do with Sessions “immediately”.

      Best guess…he’s involved with the pedophile trafficking stuff and is doing all this war on drugs crap to distract.

  4. Sessions is a stupid, vile little fascist maggot. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t even smoke pot.

    Sessions is among the most diehard enemies of our Bill of Rights in government — and that’s saying a lot. The fact that someone like him can occupy the position he does shows just how dead our Constitution is.

    To all those “oathkeepers” who swore to God that they’d protect and defend the Constitution: thanks for nothing.

  5. Incrementally.

    Sooner or later… that straw is gonna drop that camel.

    I do have high (yes) hopes for the attempt they’re about to make in PA to grab the pot smokers’ guns.

    Could very well be the beginning of the end for these jewb#tch scumbags.

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