Washington’s Blog

Painting by Anthony Freda

Governments Admit They Carry Out False Flag Terror

Governments from around the world admit they carry out false flag terror:

  • A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that – under orders from the chief of the Gestapo – he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. Nazi general Franz Halder also testified at the Nuremberg trials that Nazi leader Hermann Goering admitted to setting fire to the German parliament building, and then falsely blaming the communists for the arson   Continue reading “Americans Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror”

Tavon White baltimoreNews One

Fourteen more correctional officers at the Baltimore City Detention Center have been indicted on corruption charges, shedding more light on the relationship between the infamous Black Guerrilla Family and the officers in the jail.

The indictments were unsealed on Thursday.

Read more from the Baltimore Sun:   Continue reading “14 More Correctional Officers Charged In Baltimore Jail Sex Scandal”

Tires wheelsUSA Today – by Amber Hunt, The Cincinnati Enquirer

CINCINNATI — The customer at the counter is young – mid-20s at most – with a Bluetooth device in his ear and a smartphone in his hand. He’s chatting with a salesman of Rent-N-Roll in Union Township about some shiny wheels he’s interested in buying for his beater in the parking lot.

“That’s a sharp wheel, man,” salesman John Smith assures him.   Continue reading “Can’t afford new tires? Now you can rent them”

Washington’s Blog

The Shocking Reasons that Americans Are Right to Be More Afraid of Bad Government Policy than Terrorism

Preface: I am not so much anti-government as anti-stupid policy. (Moreover, the problem is notsolely “bad government” or “corrupt corporations”. The deeper problem is that the two have become intertwined in a malignant, symbiotic relation.)

Multiple polls show that Americans are more afraid of our own government than of terrorists.   Continue reading “Stupid Government Policy Is More Dangerous than Terrorism”

Washington’s Blog

The Failure To Punish Wall Street Criminals Is The Core Cause Of Our Sick Economy

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said:

I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions [banks] becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if you do prosecute, if you do bring a criminal charge, it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy   Continue reading “Government Excuses for Letting the Banksters Off Scot-Free Are Bogus”

USA Prepares – by SHANE HARRIS, Foreign Policy

With every fresh leak, the world learns more about the U.S. National Security Agency’s massive and controversial surveillance apparatus. Lost in the commotion has been the story of the NSA’s indispensable partner in its global spying operations: an obscure, clandestine unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that, even for a surveillance agency, keeps a low profile.

When the media and members of Congress say the NSA spies on Americans, what they really mean is that the FBI helps the NSA do it, providing a technical and legal infrastructure that permits the NSA, which by law collects foreign intelligence, to operate on U.S. soil. It’s the FBI, a domestic U.S. law enforcement agency, that collects digital information from at least nine American technology companies as part of the NSA’s Prism system. It was the FBI that petitioned the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to order Verizon Business Network Services, one of the United States’ biggest telecom carriers for corporations, to hand over the call records of millions of its customers to the NSA.   Continue reading “Meet the Spies Doing the NSA’s Dirty Work”

Washington’s Blog

They’re Pimps … Selling Out the American People For a Price

The Washington Times reported yesterday that Nuclear Regulatory Commission workers watch porn instead of cracking down on unsafe conditions at nuclear plants.

That’s not an isolated problem …   Continue reading “Regulators Watch Porn and Literally Sleep with Industry They’re Supposed to Rein In … Instead of Protecting the Public”

John BoehnerClimate Progress – by EMILY ATKIN

The House is likely to vote on a number of GOP bills this week related to the oil and gas industry, arguably the most sweeping of which is the Federal Lands Jobs and Energy Security Act.

The bill, introduced by Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO), is broad legislation designed to make it much easier for oil and gas companies to obtain permission to drill on public lands. If signed into law, the legislation would automatically approve onshore drilling permits if the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) failed to act on them in 60 days.   Continue reading “House To Vote On Bill That Would Impose $5,000 Fee For Protesting Drilling Projects”

CenturyLink – by TAMI ABDOLLAH

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Transportation Security Administration officer who was killed in a gunman’s attack at Los Angeles International Airport died two to five minutes after he was shot, coroner’s officials said Wednesday.

The detail comes after The Associated Press reported Friday that agencies are investigating whether paramedics could have come to TSA Officer Gerardo Hernandez’s aid sooner after the Nov. 1 shooting.   Continue reading “Coroner: TSA officer died minutes after being shot”


Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to FBI agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan.

The discovery in 2009 of two al Qaeda-Iraq terrorists living as refugees in Bowling Green, Kentucky — who later admitted in court that they’d attacked U.S. soldiers in Iraq — prompted the bureau to assign hundreds of specialists to an around-the-clock effort aimed at checking its archive of 100,000 improvised explosive devices collected in the war zones, known as IEDs, for other suspected terrorists’ fingerprints.    Continue reading “US May Have Let ‘Dozens’ of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees”

Eric Shinseki.JPGNJ.com – by Tom Philpott

Military members, retirees and veterans have a few more reasons to be wary of politicians who say their top priority is to cut federal spending.

The Congressional Budget Office on Wednesday released a report of more than 100 options for reducing budget deficits. It’s a timely product as House and Senate conferees strive to negotiate by mid-December a new debt-cutting deal to replace automatic budget cuts of sequestration.   Continue reading “Military Update: Veterans could see benefits cut in effort to reduce federal deficit”

violentjewsThe Ugly Truth

According to indictment would urinate on wife and then force her to drink it

ed note–this is not the exception, but rather the rule amongst the rabbinate. The only reason we don’t hear about it more is that some are better than others at concealing it.

Is it any wonder why the Jewish community–abused by an insane cult ideology enforced by insane cult leaders have historically been steeped in the kind of mental illness that they have been?   Continue reading “Rabbi charged with abusing wife, kids”

David Barton speaks to Glenn BeckThe Ugly Truth


A spokesperson from the Southern Baptist Convention lashed out at a so-called “historian” who radio host Glenn Beck hired to teach at his online university after he interpreted a Bible passage to mean that members of the armed forces who were fighting on the side of God could not suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).   Continue reading “Redneck Christian Zionist preacher David Barton: Old Testament will ‘get rid of’ PTSD if soldiers are ‘God’s warriors’”


DETROIT (AP) — Two off-duty police sergeants robbed three men they apparently suspected in the theft of a cellphone belonging to the teenage daughter of one of the officers, prosecutors in Detroit said Monday.

Detroit Sgt. David Pomeroy and Sgt. Michael Notoriano, who works in the Detroit suburb of St. Clair Shores, are both charged with armed robbery, among other charges.   Continue reading “Mich. police sergeants charged with armed robbery”

Children spinningThe Nation

It is not allowed to happen in Russia, or in Kazakhstan—but in the United States, children as young as 12 are allowed to toil on tobacco farms, whether it’s driving Dad’s tractor or picking leaves for R.J. Reynolds. Tobacco farming poses threats to their health thanks to heavy pesticide use and the possibility of acute nicotine poisoning, as Gabriel Thompson vividly describes in his special investigative report in this issue.   Continue reading “Child Labor in the USA”

McClatchy DC – by Matthew Schofield

BERLIN — To appreciate the scope and impact of a joint investigative series by the highly regarded German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung and German public television station NDR on the depth of American trespasses in this country, you don’t even have to read a word of the reports, or watch the videos.

All you really have to do is take a look at the U.S. Embassy rebuttal of the series. The multi-part, multi-media series was put on line beginning Friday morning, though some parts weren’t up until evening. And others are said to be coming during the coming weeks. The U.S. Embassy in Germany press office statement came out just after 3 p.m.   Continue reading “German Expose of America’s “Secret War” Attracts Quick, Strong U.S. Rebuttal”

WND – by Bob Unruh

The Obama administration may be alarmed over the dismal number of people signing up for Obamacare, the rising health-care costs for Americans, the legal challenges to the religious discrimination embedded in the law and other problems.

But all of that would be of no consequence if a lawsuit in federal court in Washington succeeds. It alleges senators overstepped their authority in creating the Affordable Care Act and the law, therefore, is null and void.   Continue reading “Will this court case shatter Obamacare?”