AlterNet – by Jodie Gummow

When Americans think of Australia they generally imagine a vast and arid desert, inhabited by killer wildlife and famous for Crocodile Hunter, Sydney Opera House and glorious beaches. However, the land Down Under is far more progressive than many countries care to understand and in fact could actually teach the United States a thing or two about how to look after its own population. Here are some interesting facts and policies found in Australia that you probably haven’t head about.  Continue reading “Eat Your Heart Out Americans: 10 Remarkable Facts You Didn’t Know About Australia”

The Daily Caller – by Robby Soave

If you give U.S. tax dollars to a Mexican male prostitute, will he agree to stay disease-free? That’s what government-funded researchers at Brown University would like to know.

The study is called “Conditional Economic Incentives to Reduce HIV Risks: A Pilot in Mexico,” and uses a grant from the National Institute of Health to pay male prostitutes in Mexico City. The prostitutes were placed in different groups and tested for sexually transmitted diseases. For every six months that they remain clean, they receive a payment that is larger or smaller depending upon their group.   Continue reading “US government-funded study involves paying Mexican prostitutes”

Common Dreams – by Jacob Chamberlain

In Washington state battle, pro-GMO lobbyists forced to expose illegally hidden donors

Following ongoing legal pressure from campaign groups and the Washington State Attorney General’s office, pro-GMO trade group the Grocery Manufacturers Association released a list of high rolling donors to their campaign aimed at blocking GMO labeling in the state.   Continue reading “Pepsi, Nestle, Coca Cola Revealed as Big Money Behind GMO Labeling Fight”

The Associated Press – by Jae C. Hong

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles has been home for thousands of homeless people, a tenuous comfort zone for many who hit the rock bottom of their lives in America.

The area, originally agricultural until the 1870s when railroads first entered Los Angeles, has maintained a transient nature through the years from the influxes of short-term workers, migrants fleeing economic hardship during the Great Depression, military personnel shipping out during World War II and the Vietnam War and low-skilled workers with limited transportation options who need to remain close to the city’s core, according to the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce.    Continue reading “Skid Row, a battle of misery and hope”

Information Clearinghouse – by Greg Miller, Julie Tate and Barton Gellman, Washington Post

It was an innocuous e-mail, one of millions sent every day by spouses with updates on the situation at home. But this one was of particular interest to the National Security Agency and contained clues that put the sender’s husband in the crosshairs of a CIA drone.

Days later, Hassan Ghul — an associate of Osama bin Laden who provided a critical piece of intelligence that helped the CIA find the al-Qaeda leader — was killed by a drone strike in Pakistan’s tribal belt.   Continue reading “Documents Reveal NSA’s Extensive Involvement In Targeted Killing Program – Extrajudicial Murder”

D. in court.The Ugly Truth – by Haaretz

A Jerusalem resident who established a private cult and married six wives was sentenced on Thursday to 26 years in prison.

Last month, the Jerusalem District Court found him guilty of a long list of crimes, including rape, sodomy and physical abuse, including electric shock and whipping his wives and children.   Continue reading “Jerusalem Hasidic cult leader sentenced to 26 years for abusing wives, children”

Homeless NYCInformation Clearinghouse – by Mary, homeless in New York

Passers-by mainly ignore me, a homeless woman sitting on the sidewalk or a bench. The people who do speak to me are either curious, or harpies who give me unsolicited and useless advice, or the more irritable who chastise me. I try to explain by example that there are good, decent, employable but destitute people in New York City.   Continue reading “What You Learn About Humanity From Living on the Streets”

MalalaMondoweiss – by Humna Bhojani

Dear President Obama,

Thank you for your meeting with an impressive young lady from my country, and for showing concern over the citizens of Pakistan. In the picture from the White House, you are all smiling. This is almost heart-warming, and almost does not look like political point-scoring or a publicity ploy.

Almost.   Continue reading “Dear President Obama, What have you fixed by meeting Malala?”

Century Link – by Jennifer Kay – Associated Press

WINTER HAVEN, Fla. (AP) — After 12-year-old Rebecca Sedwick committed suicide last month, one of her tormenters continued to make comments about her online, even bragging about the bullying, a sheriff said Tuesday.

The especially callous remark hastened the arrest of a 14-year-old girl and a 12-year-old girl who were primarily responsible for bullying Rebecca, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said. They were charged with stalking and released to their parents.

“‘Yes, I bullied Rebecca and she killed herself but I don’t give a …’ and you can add the last word yourself,” the sheriff said, quoting a Facebook post the older girl made Saturday.   Continue reading “Fla. bullying case: girls aged 12 and 14 charged”

Barack-Obama-with-Camel--54908Political Velcraft

In recent years, a new type of terrorist threat has emerged: the “lone wolf.” A Lone wolf presents a challenge for current law enforcement of The United States Of America. Because  lone wolves’ remain obscure, no readily available set of policies is likely to have a significant effect.

In the United States, federal law defines terrorism in many different ways. “International Terrorism” and “Domestic Terrorism” are defined similarly as unlawful “acts dangerous to human life” that “appear to be intended” to coerce civilians or influence government policy.18 Title 18 of the U.S. Code. On the other hand, State-sponsored terrorism, is the active support of a terrorist group by a national government.   Continue reading “Psychiatric Evaluation Of Resident Obama!”

Breitbart – by JON DAVID KAHN

KERSHAW COUNTY, SC (WIS) – Investigators say a 15-year-old boy was arrested after allegedly impersonating a Kershaw County Sheriff’s deputy, entering a woman’s home and demanding she strip down.

Sheriff Jim Matthews says the unidentified teen has been charged with impersonating a police officer, kidnapping, and third degree attempted criminal sexual conduct. He is currently in the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.    Continue reading “Cops: 15-Year-Old Charged with Kidnapping After Impersonating Deputy and Attempting to Strip Search a Woman”

Zero Hedge – by George Washington, February 2, 2013

It’s now obvious to everyone that – even though criminal fraud dominates Wall Street [18] – the Obama administration refuses to prosecute white collar crime [19].

Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton each prosecuted financial crime more aggressively than Barack Obama [20].   Continue reading “Government Protects Criminals by Attacking Whistleblowers”

Town Hall – by Nicole Bailey

A bill attempting to authorize the use of America’s full military force against Iran is being introduced to Congress on Thursday by Rep. Franks (R-AZ).

Franks argues that the bill, which offers advance consent to President Obama to strike Iran, would give the U.S. the edge it needs in diplomatic negotiations. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) agrees; he has indicated in the past that he would support such an authorization in case the negotiations fail. According to some sources, Graham has already co-sponsored the bill.   Continue reading “Another War? New Bill to Authorize Military Force Against Iran”

girl raising hand in classroomThe Guardian – by Sadhbh Walshe

Are Americans dumb? This is a question that has been debated by philosophers, begrudging foreigners and late night TV talk show hosts for decades. Anyone who has ever watched the Tonight Show’s “Jaywalking” segment in which host Jay Leno stops random passersby and asks them rudimentary questions like “What is Julius Caesar famous for?” (Answer: “Um, is it the salad?”) might already have made their minds up on this issue. But for those of you who prefer to reserve judgement until definitive proof is on hand, then I’m afraid I have some depressing news. America does indeed have a problem in the smarts department and it appears to be getting worse, not better.   Continue reading “Are Americans Dumb? No, It’s The Inequality, Stupid”