
Texas health officials on Friday quarantined four family members of the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, Thomas Eric Duncan, while he remained in serious condition at a Dallas area hospital.

The confinement order was imposed after the family failed to comply with a request not to leave their apartment, according to Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins. The four family members are being closely watched for any symptoms of the disease.   Continue reading “Family that hosted US Ebola patient quarantined under armed guard”

CDCEbolaxTruthstream Media – by Melissa Melton and Aaron Dykes

CDC officials have told us the outbreak of Ebola on American soil — the first ever Ebola patient diagnosed outside of Africa is here — but don’t worry, they have everything under control.

They have continually reassured the public that they have complete confidence in their protocols and the American medical infrastructure which will follow those protocols to a ‘T’.   Continue reading “CDC Director Contradicts Himself Live over How Ebola Is Spread”

Obama Signs Executive Order to Allow Detention of Americans With 'Respiratory Illnesses'Info Wars – by Paul Joseph Watson

As the Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern, President Barack Obama has signed an amendment to an executive order that would allow him to mandate the apprehension and detention of Americans who merely show signs of “respiratory illness.”

The executive order, titled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends executive order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April 2003, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases.”    Continue reading “Obama Signs Executive Order To Allow Detention Of Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses’”

Nancy Skinner, Bob Weiss, Richard Martinez, Hannah-Beth JacksonABC News – by Don Thompson

California will become the first state that allows family members to ask a judge to remove firearms from a relative who appears to pose a threat, under legislation Gov. Jerry Brown said Tuesday he had signed.

The bill was proposed by several Democrats and responds to a deadly rampage in May near the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Supporters had said such a measure could have prevented the attacks, winning out over critics who said it would erode gun rights.   Continue reading “Gov. Jerry Brown Signs California Gun Restriction”

Pink FloydRolling Stone – by Andy Green

After months of rumors, Pink Floyd have finally announced the details of their new album The Endless River, which hits shelves on November 10th. It’s the group’s first new release since 1994’s The Division Bell. According to a press release, The Endless River is a “four-sided instrumental album,” though one track, “Louder Than Words,” has lyrics by David Gilmour’s wife Polly Samson. It was produced by Gilmour, Phil Manzanera, Youth and Andy Jackson and is available for pre-order right now.   Continue reading “Pink Floyd Roll Out Plans For ‘The Endless River,’ First LP in 20 Years”

CounterPunch – by Jonathan Cook


An image speaks a thousand words – and that is presumably what Israel’s supporters hoped for with their latest ad in the New York Times.

Two photographs are presented side by side. One, titled ISIS, is the now-iconic image of a kneeling James Foley, guarded by a black-hooded executioner, awaiting his terrible fate. The other, titled Hamas, is a scene from Gaza, where a similarly masked killer stands over two victims, who cower in fear.   Continue reading “ISIS is Israel’s Key Ally Against a Palestinian State”

image0011This is too true to be funny.

The next time you hear a politician use the word ‘billion’ in a casual manner, think about whether you want the ‘politicians’ spending YOUR tax money.

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of
putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases.   Continue reading “A Billion”

1ab.jpgThe Nuclear Proctologist – by Dana Durnford

My name is Dana Durnford you can find my info phone number etc at the top under contact ,  I will be leading a 4 man expedition to document in pictures and samples and using 4 Geiger counters and dosimeters through 9000 km of Canadian coast lines starting September 2nd 2014 for 30 days  . Then its off to the North West Territories for 6 days to check their ocean caost line and see if the devastation is there . Then its off to the Yukon for 6 days of cost line  and back down the inside passage to BC Canada for a 30 day trip through 26,000 islands. Continue reading “Fukushima: Expedition For Life”

21st Century Wire – by Dean Ryan

At a time when the Oval Office was renamed the Oral Office, and cigars became a favourite past time of presidents and kinksters alike, the leader of the free world was at the mercy of Israel’s impressive blackmail machine.

A powerful new book released at the end of July has brought to light how racy phone sex conversations between Bill Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky were wiretapped circa 1997-98, and used as a blackmail against the White House by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.    Continue reading “The Israeli Blackmail Machine: The Clintons Weren’t the Only Ones”

Redress Information and Analysis

Reasoning with a Zionist is an oxymoron. It is as self-contradictory as saying something is falsely true.

This, we have no doubt, is the conclusion everyone who has tried to have a rational, fact-based debate with Zionists would have drawn.

If that is also your experience – or if you have never had the misfortune of debating with a Zionist – then you will want to listen to the two short clips below from Mike Malloy’s radio show.   Continue reading “US broadcaster Mike Malloy wipes the floor with Israel apologists”