Beginning Of The End – The Collapse

It’s not too hard to miss, our lives and livelihoods are pretty much swirling round and round in the proverbial whirlpool, caught and waiting for the flush. People, we are caught in something that has taken hold all by itself, started by the elites and has taken hold.

What we are witnesses to is Rome burning to the ground, no help in sight. The only help that will do any good is for the people to stand and fight, and that isn’t happening. What is happening is the birth of the new normal, something that grows from the cowardice of the people who expect things to change all by itself, without their own hands getting dirty.

Here is what is about to happen.

Everything as we know it is about to get turned on its head. Our food, water, banking, currency, clothing and medications are going to be completely re-vamped to the whims of the new world order. Military style police is right around the corner, as now police are going to be required to carry special insurance policies to protect themselves from any fault of possible unlawful death claims.

Automobiles are going to be completely re-thought as now they will be something shared by all, something similar to how Uber works, because of the incredible job losses across our nation. Transportation is going to be completely transformed into something unimaginable 10 years ago.

Airlines are going broke, nobody is flying.

Insane curfews are going to be imposed on the people in wake of all this crazy sickness that has magically appeared around the world.
Food will be something that will be delivered to your door as supermarkets will disappear.

Think I’m nuts? Watch what happens…

20 thoughts on “Beginning Of The End – The Collapse

  1. Wow, Mark, just wow. Revelations right there and you painted it picture perfect.

    The agenda 2030 plan looks right on course, with people living in boxes on top of each other for no reason other than it’s easier to control them in a herded populace.

    I live in PA.

    23% of it is “rural” or “preserved”.

    1. Not really revelations Martist, its just what is going to happen. Right now, they are trying to say that practically 50 percent of Texas and Arizona are sick. TOTAL BULLSHIT!

      ITS TOTAL CONTROL ON STEROIDS! Whats really sick is how our people have just handed the keys of the kingdom over to these assholes.

      The FKG masks restricts breathing, this is whats killing people. Walking at a fast pace while wearing a mask will kill you. (Over time)

      Supermarkets in Chicago are only 40% stocked. They are going to have to rethink food distribution. That means you get what they want you to get.

      They’re practically giving cars away, nothing down, differed payments.

      Cruise ships are finished..

      We are FKD! Unless we fight, its a done deal.

      Where the FK is that POS Bill FKG Gates?? Hes on his POS yacht thats where!

  2. Had to end sometime. Make up fresh popcorn, load up plenty of adult beverages, get a good comfortable front row seat and watch history being made.

    1. “Had to end sometime. Make up fresh popcorn, load up plenty of adult beverages, get a good comfortable front row seat and watch history being made.”
      F-k you, Frank, no f-king popcorn, no adult beverages. Powder, lead, and balls.
      What is being said in this article is that this is going to happen and that is going to happen. No it f-king is not going to happen. This is complicity to treason. It only f-king happens if the largest armed force on the planet is complicit through failure to apply the ratified law of this land. If you want to f-king give up and accept this shit you are on the wrong site. This shit will happen only if allowed. And if I am the only f-king one, which I am not, this is not going to be allowed.
      So put up your popcorn and your beverages and get ready to fight like a f-king man, then we the American nationals, by our 2nd Article right will dictate what is going to be, at the barrels of our guns in righteous enforcement of our ratified law, the supreme superior unchangeable absolute law for the united States of the Americas. Don’t tell me what I’m going to do because you don’t have the balls to stop it.

    2. History being made Frank? Popcorn and a front seat Frank?

      Frank your taxes are paying for the complete and total take over of your country Frank! MY COUNTRY FRANK! Do you like paying your taxes Frank? Only a traitor would say such a thing like grab a bag of popcorn and get a front row seat Frank! You talk shit and come anywhere near me or my people, your going to get your head handed to you Frank!

      We are at war Frank, or haven’t you figured that out yet?

    3. Hey, Frank, here’s some popcorn, er, I mean food for thought:

      “They tell us sir, that we are weak, unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our back and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which God and nature hath placed in our power.”
      — Patrick Henry

      “Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us.”
      — Patrick Henry

      “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.”
      –Thomas Paine

      “I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast, for I intend to go in harm’s way.”
      — John Paul Jones

      “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.”
      — Thomas Paine


  3. And that is just scratching the surface. The population reduction agenda is in full swing and we “useless eaters” are right in the cross-hairs.

    1. I hear you, Sunfire. “They” may call me and you and Henry and every other Trencher and regular folks “useless eaters,” but when I think about “useless eaters” I only think of the criminal psycho elites! And then I think about ‘them’ eating each other after we send ‘them’ to Antarctica, as deep inside the place as can be, and will be shot if they try to kill a sweet cute penguin…. They can eat each other, and, in the afterlife, Satan can ‘gnash’ his ‘teeth’ on their ‘bones’ in the outer darkness.

  4. Great writing Mark. My love to you, as you traverse the country solo, making it happen, feeding and supplying us. This is a bitch getting hit with this having had serious nerve damage now for 12 years, it’s same as your first and last initials.

    1. Oh the challenges this life throws at us. So sorry to hear this, Bob. Wishing you healing and strength.


      1. Thank you sister!!! We fight till the last drop!
        To the devil-
        There ain’t much left of me, and if you want to take tha rest, I’m a man, and I will take you to the test…

        1. Easy to believe your words
          arrow pointed at enemy
          Ready, aim, and acclaim
          there is none who will enslave me!
          Day is here, and so is night
          as is the moment of the fight
          I turn and see our growing numbers
          the seasoned and the new-comers
          Uncles, aunts, fathers, mothers
          cousins, neighbors, sisters, brothers
          For freedom and for dignity
          for life unhinged from tyranny
          Your words transform to resolution
          your resolution into readiness
          The day moves on a daunting mission
          mettle-testing and drawn by visions
          of severed chains, and victory won
          by man, woman, heart, gun
          Easy to believe your words


    2. Sorry to hear of your illness my friend, I hope things take a turn for the better in this hell hole of times. Nerve damage is no joke….

      1. Thanks brother. Watching your strength against your enemy, the big C, while giving it to the other enemy gives me strength. I mean that.

  5. Thank you, Mark, especially for these words:

    “The only help that will do any good is for the people to stand and fight…”

    Therein is the resolute path forward, for ALL who would live free. And I just realized what an inclusive word “ALL” is. It, like The Bill of Rights, can also be described as ‘colorblind.’


  6. Reply to Galen
    The British citizens are Your allies they are not part of this sick satanic. Globalist NWO . We face the same enemy .Wisely the American citizens have kept their arms from the fear of the state going rogue against its people.
    If it comes to street battles the British people will have to improvise in whatever they can get their hands on to defend themselves

    1. Definition: citizen, noun: a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized.

      Well, jus’ to get this out of the way… I’m just an American National and not a citizen/subject. 

      Hello Tery. Oh my, how e-communication can sometimes be unclear. So I asked myself how something I posted here may have been misconstrued and consequently interpreted to mean that I was naming the British people as the “satanic” enemy. So far from the truth. Anyhow, I guess the seat of this confusion was in one of the quotes I posted, written over two centuries ago. This one:

      “They tell us sir, that we are weak, unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our back and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which God and nature hath placed in our power.”
      — Patrick Henry

      I posted this and the other quotes as I was paralleling that time and experience that Patrick Henry was involved in, with what we (all freedom-loving people) are currently facing. I also posted the quotes in response to the popcorn comment suggesting we “Make up fresh popcorn, load up plenty of adult beverages, get a good comfortable front row seat and watch history being made.” This, at a time when action and readiness are utmost. Please know I love and respect any of your people who hold high the banner of freedom and self-determination. In fact a few days ago we had an article on this very site about the people of England defying the masks and lock-downs and enjoying the summer fun. I raised my glass to them in respect and appreciation and I left a link to a rock version of ‘Rule Britannia’ which I dedicated to them, and made clear that it was for the people of your country and NOT your government. I tried to find the page to show you but was unsuccessful in my search.

      Hope this clears it up, Tery, and glad to hear of your determination and innovation in fighting our common enemy. We got the numbers, and that is no small asset.


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