Big Brother installing surveillance cameras in places of worship


Forget the fact, that minsters, priests, rabbis etc., are secretly spying on worshippers. Forget the fact, that places of worship want their own police force..Forget the fact that places of worship are conducting ‘Holy Ghost pat-downs’. And finally, forget the fact that places of worship are paying the government a $100 dollars a month to spy on families.

Because now, Big Brother has convinced places of worship to install surveillance cameras to spy on their followers.  

Big Brother’s surveillance of religions, would make the old NKVD blush with envy.

A recent article in The Advocate, warns that ProjectNola plans to install more than 100 surveillance cameras in places of worship.

“ProjectNOLA, an independent, nonprofit crime camera network, has been seeking — and has begun to find — financial support for a plan that would place such cameras on more than 100 places of worship…”

ProjectNola’s first phase is to spend $1 million dollars on surveillance cameras in places of worship.

“A key component of the partnership’s $1 million first phase is a plan to expand the nearly nine-year-old ProjectNOLA camera network.”

Every place of worship to have surveillance cameras

Big Brother wants surveillance cameras in every place of worship.

“Equipping every church in New Orleans with a surveillance camera is one of the goals of the NOLA Partnership for Public Safety and Peace.”

Just think about that for a moment, soon every place of worship will have surveillance cameras. Even Orwell;s book 1984wasn’t that grim.

Who needs God’s all seeing eye, when the police can do it for him in real-time?

Law enforcement will spy on worshippers in real-time

The above video, shows how law enforcement has been using ProjectNola to spy on citizens in real-time since 2011.

Church surveillance cameras, combined with license plate readers will give Big Brother unimaginable real-time spying capabilities.

It appears that ProjectNola, is mirrored after DHS’s ‘See Something Say Something’ program that encourages businesses and home owners to spy on one another.

As I mentioned two months ago, ProjectNola has been so successful, it appears that DHS has copied it and renamed it ‘Virtual Block Watch‘ (VBW).

“Virtual Block Watch is law enforcement’s latest national surveillance program that encourages the public to use surveillance cameras to spy on one another.”

Nothing says police state, quite like ProjectNola making $200,000 annually on surveillance camera maintenance fees.

What do ProjectNola and VBW have in common?

First off, ProjectNola was designed by former police officer, Bryan LaGarde who charged homeowners and businesses $346.00 dollars for a ‘crime camera kit’.

A surveillance network designed by a police officer? Nothing suspicious about that right?

ProjectNola also claims to be the largest networked HD city-wide crime camera system in America”.

And just like ProjectNola, VBW wants businesses and residents to purchase and install their own surveillance cameras.

But VBW has taken police spying to a whole new level.

Police are asking homeowners and businesses to install four surveillance cameras.

“Police suggest that three houses in each block have surveillance cameras and each house has a set of four cameras.” 

“Cameras are attached to houses on each end of a city block and then a third house in the middle.”

Do police really need another surveillance system to spy on everyone?

Fyi, Nvidia is planning on turning police vehicles into 360 degree facial recognition cameras.

Please, don’t be fooled by whatever names law enforcement calls them. Hopefully, most of us know what their real names are, ‘Project DHS’ and ‘Police Surveillance Watch’.

Americans need more privacy not less.

5 thoughts on “Big Brother installing surveillance cameras in places of worship

  1. This must be in response to that stupid texas church shooting that happened a few weeks ago, right?

    Unfrigginbelievable…. Anything to put a camera everywhere. But what good are all of these cameras if the government just erases the footage whenever it suits them?

  2. I really don’t have a problem with cameras in the church.

    As long as they don’t put them in the bathrooms.

    That’s where I did most of my praying.
    Which was truly personal to me.
    A direct connection with the creator.

    The prayer usually started out with..

    Oh God..

    Then ended with..

    Thank God.

    Thank God they don’t have bathrooms in churches.

    That’s only for the Priests.

    The rest have to sit in..

    Pee ews… plus all the cologne and stripper perfume.

    Well at least that’s what I sat in, in the old Catholic church I went to.

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